11 Tips For Moving With Pets: The Ultimate Guide

So, you’re completely ready to move: everything is booked, the date is set. If you live with pets, moving with them can be challenging, but not impossible. Professional movers will tell you that pet owners need a bit of extra time to prepare their pets for the big step, but most of the time, everything plays out just fine.

Moving companies can give you a bit of advice on the process. Moving with pets can actually be easy, especially if we’re talking about local moving. https://paradisemove.com/services/interstate-moving/. These tips will help you to make the process more comfortable for both you and your pet.

Best tips for moving with pets

You obviously can’t just straight up tell your pet to behave while their comfort zone is changing rapidly. These tips will help you find a common ground with your cat, dog, or even bird and make the whole process comfortable for both of you.

  1. Get them used to boxes and packing stuff. Dogs and cats are scent-aware of everything that’s going on around them, and rapid changes of scent can cause them a lot of stress, especially when it comes to their territory. Let your dog or cat play with empty boxes or tape, and start packing early.
  2. Reduce stress and anxiety by keeping up with the routine. Pets live to their habits, and if you miss a single walk with your dog or forget to feed your cat in favor of packing things up, they might get stressed. Instead, create a comfortable schedule that leads to the moving so your pet will get enough distraction from surrounding changes: plan feeding and playing times, and don’t forget to give them more love and attention.
  3. Entertainment is the key. Keep your cat or dog busy while everything surrounding them is changing. Take longer walks with them and play more ‒ when they get tired and sated with fun, they won’t get stressed.
  4. Give them space. Your pet should have at least one familiar place in the house that won’t be cluttered with boxes. For birds, putting their cage in their regular place will be enough, but for cats and dogs, you have to make sure their regular path and hiding places remain untouched, especially if you won’t be able to get your friend or family member to watch your pet for the moving day.
  5. Check-in with your vet. A good specialist will give you useful advice on how to keep your little friend comfortable during this stressful period. Also, it will be a good time to check the vaccinations and health conditions of your pet ‒ especially if you’re moving far away and need to find a new vet.
  6. Learn more about pet laws in your new city. A new city always means new rules, so research certainly has to be done, especially if there might be any requirement for keeping pets on your property and in public spaces.
  7. Find pet-friendly accommodations. More so, if you’re moving with an exotic pet, make sure that your pet-friendly accommodation is especially friendly to this kind of animals.
  8. Keep your pet safe during the ride. It might be a long one, so securing your little friend here is as important as keeping your seatbelt on. Birds should stay in their cages, small dogs or small cats should be in their travel containers.
  9. Pack their favorite toys and other belongings. For the first few weeks, you’ll definitely need something that smells like home to make your new house the one. It can be a bowl, favorite package of food, treats, toys, litter box, and literally anything that your pet uses a lot.
  10. Secure your pet during the packing and loading process. The doors will be open, and you don’t want your cat or dog to escape while already being stressed about changes in their usual routine and surroundings.
  11. Make sure your new house is pet-proof. Vents, windows, doors, and gates should be secured. Also, make sure there are no pest traps by the time of your arrival. Take a closer look at everything that can be chewed by your dog ‒ they do it a lot when being stressed, and chewing on something hazardous will severely impact their health additionally to the stress they experience.

Basically, you have to make sure your pet feels safe and quickly adapts to new surroundings. Your job here is to protect them from serious stress and keep them entertained while everything is changing.