4 Useful Ways of Stimulating Your Little One’s Mind At Home

Your child’s first teaching starts at home with you. This role is accompanied by an enormous responsibility in making the home a place that is stimulating enough to keep your child’s mind active and alert. It must be challenging, yet safe, organized but not too obstructive and intriguing but not too overpowering. Parents may be under the impression that science projects must be put off until much later in life, but there are several ways of piquing your child’s interest in this area, even at a preschool level. Children learn best through play. When enough opportunities arise for children to play while you are talking to them during their play processes, they can reach developmental milestones more easily and naturally.


With These Expert-Approved Methods, Your Little One Can Learn Math Through Play.

Endeavor to create opportunities at home that help your child grasping numbers. Incorporate learning into your daily activities, for instance, counting your steps when you are going down the stairs with your toddler or encouraging him to count the toys he is putting them away. Your daily commute with your toddler offers another excellent chance to engage with him and ignite his curiosity. For instance, ask him about how many cars you are passing on the road or encourage him to count the stop signs or trees. During mealtimes, teach him about the shape of the plate and the food. You can also count the utensils on the table.

Here Are Four Fun Ways Of Stimulating Your Toddler’s Mind At Home:

Playing With Blocks

Playing With Blocks

This is one of the best methods to improve early math capabilities. Check out this website for a wide selection of toys. Your toddler can learn how to count while comparing the volume and height as he utilizes his imagination when building various shapes like castles, unicorns, or skyscrapers. The research revealed that introducing block play during a child’s preschool years could result in higher maths achievement during high school. The researchers also proved that playing with puzzles and blocks is an excellent way of supporting both mathematical and spatial thinking. The areas of mathematical learning that is stimulated through block play include geometry, measurement, algebra as well as probability and data analysis.



Puzzles are presenting an opportunity for toddlers to learn problem solving, and since the main goal is completing it, the process involves coming up with the best strategy of achieving this aim, which is also boosting reasoning skills. Parents who build puzzles with their little ones, reading to them, building blocks, and playing games are helping their children grow intellectually.



Playing dominoes is an excellent way of creating an opportunity for a toddler to start exploring and learning basic number sense, counting, sorting, matching as well as classifying.

Board Games, Card Games, And Apps

When your little one is playing board games, card games, and using apps, the focus that is placed on numbers can assist with improving your child’s mathematical capabilities.