Lack of inspiration can weigh you down and make you feel as if you’re dragging your feet through life. All days feel the same and you’re rarely excited about what’s yet to come. Many people think that the only way to find inspiration is to step outside or travel the world and experience new adventures. Granted, these are all valid options that can help you invite inspiration back into your life; however, they’re not necessarily practical. Think about it, if you can’t afford to travel or have been forced into a lockdown for months on end, does this mean that you’re bound to kiss inspiration goodbye until further notice? Absolutely not! You can find inspiration from the comfort of your own home. Want to know how?
These 6 simple ways will help you do just that.
1. Read a Book
Reading is the ultimate inspiration trigger that you can turn to any time you feel like you need a pick-me-up. It doesn’t have to be one of the lame “in your face” self-help books; it could be any book with an engrossing plot. Living vicariously through the fictitious characters will awaken your imagination and open the door to new ideas and different perspectives. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to tackle your work or any task at hand with an inspired mind. However, the key here is consistency. Make reading a part of your daily life at home; like everything else, practice makes perfect. Just a few pages a day will ensure you have a healthy dose of imagination to last you for a long time to come.
2. Redecorate Your Home
You’d be surprised how moving your furniture around and adding a new cushion and art piece here and there can turn your mundane feelings into more inspired thoughts. By changing up your surroundings at home, you’re giving your mind the chance to process new shapes and colors that evoke fresh feelings. Another way to get inspired is to turn to your favorite quote or biblical verse. As the US-based folks at explain, you can turn it into impressive wall art. Look for verses that bring you positivity and make you want to do and be better. You can custom-make beautiful canvases and hang them in your living room for the whole family to admire and get inspired by. While you’re at it, think of upgrading your home’s color palette into a happier one. Consider bright and calming hues instead of dull wall paint and heavy curtains. These are all simple alterations that can help you find inspiration and get your creative juices flowing.
3. Learn a New Skill
If not just for the fun of it, consider learning a new skill to get your inspiration back. Many people mistakenly perceive the word ‘learning’ as a daunting commitment that weighs them down. However, learning is much more encompassing than that. It keeps you alert and trains your mind to view life in a different light which is what inspiration is basically about. If you’ve always had a knack for arts and crafts or maybe you’re passionate about languages, make it a target to make use of your time at home to develop such skills. Even if you’re finding it hard to link this new skill to a newfound inspiration, try seeing it from a different angle. For example, if you become fluent in Spanish, you can start watching Spanish movies and listening to Spanish music which is a bulletproof way to find inspiration.
4. Work on Your Vision Board
Vision boards are some of the best inspirational tools out there. They’re not exclusive to magazine editors; in fact, anyone can benefit from creating their own vision board. Think of them as a blank board where you get to add anything and everything that you believe is inspirational or motivational. A vision board can be made up of song lyrics that touch you, photos of places you want to visit, or perhaps random pictures of items that you wish to attain. The best thing is that there’s no right or wrong when creating a vision board, it’s simply a way to express yourself and visualize your dreams and desires. Once you’re done with your board, hang it somewhere visible that you get to see at all times. But don’t just stop there! Make as many updates as you wish to your vision board to highlight your new interests. Creating vision boards also make for a fun indoor family activity if you want to teach your kids about the importance of inspiration.
5. Make Time for Family-Time
Yes, your family can be your source of inspiration. Of course, you know what your parents do for a living and what school your sister goes to, but how much do you actually know about your family members on a personal level? You might not know it, but one of your father’s childhood memories can be the missing puzzle piece that you needed to finish that novel you’re working on. Learn to develop a sense of curiosity about the people you’re closest to. Once you start seeing your siblings and grandparents as individuals rather than just your family, you’ll be fascinated at how little you actually know each one of them. Carve time out of your busy schedule and dedicate it to family talks. Encourage your teenage brother to come out of his room for a couple of hours every week to just connect and check-in with the rest of the family. Aside from finding inspiration, spending time with your family will strengthen your bond more than ever before.
6. Give Meditation a Try
Sometimes all you need to be inspired is to sit still and quiet your mind. A few minutes every day when you first wake up, before you go to bed, or at any random time in-between can do wonders for your state of mind. Like many people, you probably have hectic days where, by the time you get home, you’re so depleted that you can’t even manage to hear your own thoughts. This is a clear sign that you need some time-out to help you unwind and prepare to better soak up inspiration.
For best results, approach meditation with an open mind and don’t overthink it. You can find tons of resources online to teach you about effective meditation methods that are aimed to serve your purpose of finding inspiration.
Inspiration is not something that you can afford to lose for long. Without it, your life will feel bland and unfulfilling no matter what you do. Give the above tips a try and see what works best for you. You might be more perceptive to one way or another and that’s completely fine as long as it’s helping you find inspiration, then you’re on the right track.