7 Easy and Efficient Vacation Rental Cleaning Tips

Couple Arriving At Summer Vacation Rental

From the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020, people have constantly suffered in every way possible. Countries had gone under lockdowns for several months and travel was restricted all around the world. Due to the pandemic, the travel industry has suffered a huge loss and has hit a record low since the World Wars. However, with the vaccination drives in place, things are getting better and governments all around the world are loosening their restrictions on travel and tourism. While this is excellent news for all the fellow travellers reading this, it is also important to keep in mind that the pandemic is not yet over. That is why it is important to maintain cleanliness and proper sanitation along with abiding by all social distancing norms. A popular trend has emerged in travellers in recent times, and that is to choose vacation rentals before hotels. This is the result of the increased need for privacy and the feeling of being at home even when someone is oceans aways. Although it is an amazing change and facilitates homeowners to host guests from all over the world, the home environment and increased space make it more favourable for families which translates to more guests. That is why a deep-cleaning of vacation rentals is essential. Here are some easy tips that can help you in the process. 

  1. Plan and Prepare – Cleaning a vacation rental is an elaborate task. The wise thing to do is to assess the cleaning needs and prepare a plan beforehand. This will provide you with an idea of the things you will need and the amount of time you will require for the process. This will ensure that you do not miss any part of the property which might have otherwise been ignored. 
  2. Start with the kitchen – It is wiser and easier to start with the kitchen. This is because the cleaner will be the most sanitary when they start. Throwing off all leftover food and doing the dishes should be the first on the list. This will also ensure that there is no cross-contamination between the other parts of the house (such as the bathroom and the bedroom) and the kitchen. 
  3. Hire professional help – There is no shame in asking a professional for guidance and help. Vacation rental cleaning is not an easy task. Deep cleaning is important for sustainable business. Reviews and Feedback depend on it. It should be taken seriously and if one is unsure, hiring help might be the best solution to the problem. 
  4. Time-consuming activities at the beginning – Gather all the laundry from all the rooms, sort them and put them in the machine. If you have an auto-clean chimney and oven, start them as well. By the time you are done with other procedures, 50 % of the task will be done
  5. Have a time limit for each task – Setting a time limit can help you in various ways. It helps in dividing the available time equally for similar attention to all sorts of tasks. While you can get done with the living room fast, it might take you quite some time to clean the bathroom. Divide your time strategically You might also be left with extra time to tend to plants and decor. 
  6. Check under things – Often neglected, this is a crucial step. While cleaning, you should always check the spots that the vacuum and mop don’t reach. Make sure to clear things that guests, especially kids might shove under tables, beds, shelves and chairs. You won’t believe how many gross things you might find!  
  7. Clean floors at last – Vacuuming the carpets and mopping the floors should be the last thing on the list. This is because deep cleaning will mean a lot of movement from one room to another, cleaning ceiling fans and appliances and whatnot. Clean the floors only when you are done with everything else. This way you can relax while the floor dries off at the end of the procedure.

Now that you are aware of all the tricks that can help you in cleaning your vacation rental, don’t wait any longer and get to it. Relaxation of lockdowns and restrictions on air travel all over the world predicts a huge boom to national and international travel in the future. Grab the best opportunity and attract some travellers!