7 Things to Check and Repair Before Going on a Vacation

Jim Pulman has extensive knowledge and experience in Home Building, Construction, and Design. He writes articles in his free time and partners with content creators to share his expertise with the online community.

Not many things are as exciting as planning a fun vacation. You may be planning a trip with friends and family or both. However, amidst the excitement is a certain amount of stress that comes with how to leave your home in a safe state so you won’t have to worry while you are gone. To enjoy your time away, below are some things you should check or make repairs to before you leave.

1. Thermostat

One of the largest sources of energy consumption in people’s homes is their heating and cooling systems. You don’t want to be keeping your home cool and comfortable while you are not even there. Be sure to turn your temperature to a setting that will keep your home just right. In the winter, keep it warm enough so that your pipes do not freeze. In the summertime, keep your home cool enough to prevent condensation.

2. Fix Electrical Issues

If there are electrical issues you are aware of, it is best to get them fixed before you head off on vacation. You do not want to stress about a fire starting in your home while you’re not in town. Call a reputable company such as Brad Gall Electrical Brisbane to fix any problem you have in your electrical system. Not only will you have to worry less while on vacation, but you’ll also have a task completed that you won’t have to worry about dealing with once you get back into town.

3. Stop Your Mail Service

You may not receive a lot of mail daily, but it can add up over time. If you plan to be away for more than a week or so, it is best to suspend your mail service while gone. Not only do you want your mail not to be susceptible to inclement weather and running out of space in your mailbox, but you also don’t want to fall victim to mail fraud. Mail delivery services allow customers to temporarily suspend delivery while they leave for vacation or a work trip.

4. Clean Your Dishes

Cleaning a sink full of dirty dishes may be the last thing you want to do before leaving for vacation. You already have a long list of things to pack and prepare for, but it will be in your best interest to keep your house clean while gone. Dirty dishes with food still stuck on them can be a beacon to vermin and pests. While you are at it, be sure to remove any trash from your home on your way out.

5. Secure Home Against Criminals

Many of these tips are not just for keeping your home safe from bugs and potential emergencies. It is also important to protect your home from unwanted invaders and criminals while on vacation as well. Before you finish packing and head out, be sure to check all the locks on your doors and windows, put away any items outside that people can take and easily pawn for cash. These items can include lawn furniture, lawnmowers and other expensive items.

6. Don’t Post On Social Media

Even though technology continues to change, the need to stay safe remains the same. When it comes to protecting your home, don’t post on social media that your home is going to be vacant for a long time. If you can, hold off on sharing vacation pictures and stories from your trip until you get back home. If you post your travel plans in advance, you may find that some people monitoring your profile will take that as an enticement to come and help themselves to your personal belongings. Also, be sure to turn off any location tags on your social media apps so they do not sneakily post your location without your consent.

7. Make Plans For Your Pets

You can’t forget about your pets before leaving on vacation. Be sure you have solid plans for them while you are gone that ensures they are properly cared for. If you allow a friend or family member to come and take care of your pets in your home, be sure they know how to properly lock up each time they leave. If you plan to board your pets while gone, check availability for open spots as soon as possible to ensure there are available accommodations for them.