7 Wine Accessories To Consider For The Connoisseur In Your Life

Drinking has become an acceptable part of society. You can’t watch television without noticing a number of liquor-based commercials popping up on the screen. There’s actually nothing wrong with drinking, unless done in excess, but that is a different story entirely. The holiday season is coming up, so it’s time to begin buying gifts for those who are special in your life. The holidays are also a perfect time to raise that celebratory glass of your favorite wine with these people. 

With how long wine making has been around, crafting wine can be considered an art form. And, if you are well versed in all things wine, then you can appreciate the various forms it may come in. If you know someone like this in your life, then shopping for them can be quite easy as they’d likely be happy with any wine accessories they may not have yet. So, spruce up your knowledge on a few different options available out there by reading this article!

1. Wine Decanter

You really can’t go wrong with a wine decanter. This is a classy and sensible way of storing wine, which you know you’ll be drinking relatively soon, plus it can potentially bring out different notes in the wine that may be harder to detect. Typically, a decanter is a storage device made of glass, crystal, or of similar material, and comes in a variety of sizes and styles, so you can easily find one that you know your favorite wine connoisseur would enjoy, or at least would be able to add to their collection. 

It’s a must to check out a few local stores who stock this item. That way you can get a feel of the decanter itself before you settle on it. It’s also advisable to understand the main differences between decanters vs carafes, as you don’t want to get yourself mixed up and potentially buy the wrong item.

2. Corkscrew

Regardless of whether the person you have in mind is a professional in the food industry or simply enjoys drinking wine, a corkscrew might also be a solid choice!  Even if they already have one, you can opt for a corkscrew the recipient doesn’t have yet. Corkscrews can be made from various materials, so there is quite a selection at your disposal! 

There are even a number of French-based companies that make corkscrews by hand, so one of these would not only be a sensible gift idea, but it would likely be a one-of-a-kind piece.

3. Wine Stopper

Have you ever opened a bottle of wine, but you were unable to finish it?  Or you were at a gathering and you left with wine because no one really touched it?  Well, not only can these situations be a bit disappointing, but these can mean a waste of good wine if it is not stored correctly. Enter the wine stopper. This nifty gadget does exactly as it sounds—it acts as a cork so you are able to store your wine for another time, and make sure it remains fresh.

Wine stoppers come in a number of different sizes and materials, so even if the recipient already has one, you could surely find a unique wine stopper that would please them

4. DIY Wine Project

Have you ever wondered what they do with wine barrels after they had been used?  Some of them can be recycled and eventually reused. There is a lot you can do with wine barrels, like chairs, side tables, and the list just goes on. It just takes a little know-how and a bit of muscle, then boom!  You’ve got a unique piece your connoisseur would absolutely love. 

So, if you’re the creative type and you have the time to kill, a recycled wine barrel can be an easy choice to really shock them as the perfect holiday gift. If you are unsure as to how to go about this project, but is something you are interested in tackling, the Internet should be your best weapon as it is likely to be full of information to help you with the DIY task and achieve excellent results.

5. Portable Wine Chiller

Have you ever taken a wine with you to a gathering, popped it open, given it a taste, and your first thought was, “If it were only a little colder”?  Well, a portable wine chiller can be the answer to that, and could be a valuable asset for your favorite wine drinker!  There are a number of options available these days, thanks to advancements in technology. There are even electric wine chillers that sit on the countertop. So, it really depends on which one you think they would benefit most from, as well as what fits neatly into your budget.

6. Wine Glass

Who doesn’t love building on their wine glass collection?  Wine glasses can come in many different styles and could be made out of a variety of materials, so it would be easy to find something they either don’t have or that could be a great addition to their existing collection. This is a pretty straightforward gift idea, but is one with which you can’t go wrong.

7. Wine Rack

This could easily be another DIY project if you are feeling up to the challenge, but a wine rack might also be another sensible gift idea! This may be a good idea if you notice that the recipient is already running out of space for their wine bottles. As with other items in this list, wine racks come in many different forms, so it would be easy to find one they might have never seen before!


There are many wine accessories you can choose from if you’re planning to gift a wine-loving person this holiday season. All you need to do is to know which aspect of wines the recipient is really passionate about, as well as to research and compare options carefully so you’ll end up with the right and best present the connoisseur in your life would truly appreciate. Also, remember that the price doesn’t matter; anyway, just like what a lot of people say, it’s the thought that counts.