Blinds vs Curtains: What’s Better for Your Home

One of the biggest considerations that comes with a new space is the opportunity to completely tailor your new home to whichever look you desire. There are plenty of factors to consider when creating  a room, but one overlooked feature are the window treatments. Whether you go with blinds or curtains, this is an important element in completing the final look of your room. 

There can be benefits and drawbacks to both options, completing research on these elements can take lots of time and effort but thankfully we’ve taken the grunt work out of the process and have consolidated all the relevant information for you below.  In this article, we’ve gone through a comprehensive comparison of blinds and curtains as well as  any considerations you should think about when picking window covering to best suit your needs and aesthetic. 

Visual Appeal


Curtains offer color and texture

In comparison to blings, curtains tend to have a wider range of stylistic choices over blinds. Curtains can give off a more luxurious and aesthetic feel. Whether you choose to go with a sheer, dream-like curtain or an elegant, layered curtain that drapes down to the floor. Additionally, curtains are a great way to add texture, visual interest and a fresh pop of colour into a room while still providing a good functional way to block out light or even noise. Since curtains have a wide catalog of styles that can vary in length, patterns and shape, they are an excellent segway to endless home decor inspirations and stylistic choices. 


Blinds are focused on functionality

While on the other hand, if you choose to go with blinds, it’s more of a choice that is practical and functional. This means you may sacrifice some aesthetic elements and choose from what limited decor options are available But on the positive side, blinds can make a room feel more neat and modern. Since blinds can be tucked neatly against widows they can add a simple charm.  If you’re someone who is into the minimalist decor style, blinds offer an ideal choice over curtains which can sometimes create unnecessary clutter in small spaces. One of the major benefits of blinds is that they are extremely efficient at blocking out light and providing privacy. 

Verdict: Curtains offer more versatility with style, colour and decor options, meanwhile blinds offer more practical and functional options. 

Lighting Control


One of the pitfalls of curtains is that they provide less control of lighting than blinds. In order to compensate for this, with curtains you can layer them with different fabrics that can offer different levels of shade. Using sheer fabric for an inner panel and darker or heavier material for an outer panel, by layering your curtain fabrics you can add or pull back different layers to let in as much or little light as you want. 


But with blind you have more control over the amount of light you let in. Most blinds can allow you to tilt the slats in addition to being able to pull them up to better block or allow the sun in. But one  of the downfalls with some blinds is that light can still creep in between the slats even when they are closed. 

Verdict: Curtains will require more layering and material to help manage light control, while blinds offer more functionality. 

Cleaning and life expectancy 


Most blinds have hard, slick surfaces that only require dusting. Depending on the kind of blind or brand you choose to go with, it’s best to remove dust from both side of the blinds by closing the slats and wiping them down with a microfibre cloth. 

Well maintained blinds can keep their looks for up to 15 years or more. Blind’s are often made of a synthetic material like plastic, vinyl, polymer-coated wood or even aluminum, this makes them more durable and resistant to discolouration and staining. Because of their rigid nature, they are less prone to everyday wear and tear. 


Cleaning curtains is a fair bit more involved. In order to clean them properly, it can include a combination of vacuuming, steaming or even laundering. It’s important to pay attention to the care instructions on the label to prevent damage or shrinkage. Because fabric curtains can be cotten, linen, velvet or evek silk they can be more prone to tearing, staining and wear. Most often their lifespan is about 10 year and will need replacement as the material deteriorates over time. 

Verdict: Curtains will need replacement in the future and are prone to wear and tear, while blinds are more durable and have fewer maintenance needs.