Bring More Light Into Your Home With These Simple Tips

As much as we may hate to admit it, winter is on the way. At the moment, we are still clinging onto the last dregs of the summer, but all the recent storms are a reminder that we are headed in the direction of shorter days and worse weather. There is definitely something comforting about the idea of getting our warmer clothes out of the wardrobe and dusting off the winter duvet. But there are a lot of people out there who are a little worried about the amount of light that they are going to be able to bring into their homes.

Light can be a tricky thing to get right at the best of times, and if you have recently moved into a property that seems to get more shade than it really should, then you should be thinking about how you can brighten things up a bit. This is not a situation that you simply need to live with. It’s also the case that some people are wondering how they can keep their homes light without pushing their energy bills through the roof, given the recent news about increases. So, here are some tips for how to bring more light into your home this winter.

Look At Your Paint

This may seem like a somewhat flippant point, but it is serious. The colour of the paint on your walls does have a serious impact on how bright the rooms feel. If the interior of your house is all dark or earthy tones, it may have an ambience that you enjoy, but it is not going to make anything feel light. Get some paint samples and start experimenting with lighter colours that won’t ruin the impact of the vibe that you have been trying to create. And if the only reason why you have darker colours on the walls is that they were there when you moved in, then get the rollers out and get rid of them. 

Think About A Veranda

There is absolutely nothing like sitting in your back garden watching the sun go down in the evening. Of course, the British weather being as it is, this is not always practical. You don’t want to be sitting on the lawn with a raincoat on, trying to make the most of the view. But a veranda or covered patio is the best way that you can enjoy all the light of your garden no matter what the weather is. There are even verandas that come with sliding glass doors and heating options so that you can sit outside comfortably during whatever the British winter has to throw at us. If you want to learn more about how a veranda could bring more light into your home, visit Nationwide Home Innovations. They have been installing beautiful and high-quality home improvement products for 30 years, and their team will make sure that you have a bespoke solution to suit your property. 

Look At Your Lighting Set-Up
One of the most important things to consider if you want to add more light into your home is your current lighting set-up. If you have recently moved into a new property, you may well find that the previous owners’ decisions don’t seem to make a lot of sense to you. With the rising energy bills, you do not want to be installing lights everywhere and blasting high-intensity bulbs. Instead, think about the areas of your home where you spend the most time. The living room, the dining room, the bedroom, and so on. Could you install some new lighting that will cover more space? There are many more options available than simply going for overhead. Also, you should look at LED lightbulbs as they offer greater energy efficiency. Decent lighting does not have to be expensive.

Switch Out Your Curtains For Blinds And Keep Your Windows Clean And Clear

Now, this point may not be perfect for everyone. There are a lot of people out there who would rather go for heavy curtains over blinds, and the fact is that curtains are better when it comes to keeping warm and cold air in. However, if light is hard to come by in your property, adjustable blinds may be the answer that you are looking for. What’s more, your windows are the highest priority. One of the easiest ways to keep plenty of natural light coming into your home is to make sure that you are cleaning your windows regularly. There is a lot of dust and muck that can accumulate on windows, and this will have an impact on how much light is getting in. You should also think about whether there are any external factors that are impacting how much light comes through, such as any foliage that you could trim back.