Does Your Pest Control Company Promote Prevention?

When pests come into your garden or infest your home, the first thing you want to do is gain control of the situation. More people want to do that by using natural or organic products to avoid harsh chemicals and the potential for harm coming to families. 

Sadly, the vermin that enter the home carry noxious contaminants to people, especially cockroaches and mosquitoes. They can make people deathly sick by the time you’re able to eradicate them from your space. One key solution that many pest control companies in Long Island deem highly effective and safe is prevention. If you follow preventive steps but develop a problem, you should consider a call to the professional for fast and complete elimination.

What Can You Do To Prevent Pests From Inviting Themselves In 

Insects, small wildlife, and other vermin invite themselves into homes with easy access, where they believe they’ll be able to get scraps of food or water and know they’ll be safe from predators and warm. The best way to avoid the disturbance is to prevent their entry from the start. 

For homeowners who take the appropriate measures yet still find themselves dealing with issues, you can try homemade remedies that can indeed be effective after some time and patience. 

Still, a more aggressive approach would be warranted if you have more of an infestation of any particular species. Perhaps contacting a pest control service to use natural methods to eradicate the problem much more rapidly and ensure that problem is taken care of completely. Find out how to keep a household pest-free using prevention at Let’s look at a few things you can do in an effort to keep the pests at bay.

  • Debris surrounding the home

Bugs search for areas where they can find water and shelter away from predators and inclement weather. Any debris can serve that purpose, whether it’s a pile of leaves, twigs, rocks, boxes, cartons, or any household items left stored by the house’s exterior until time to go to the landfill. 

These areas all serve as pest “condos.” Preventive measures would involve cleaning up the spaces. The leaves and debris would need to be mulched up, all the trash would need to be bagged into sacks to be taken to the dumpsters, and the household items would need to be transported to the landfill. 

It’s wise to wear protective clothing, boots, and gloves to ensure you’re protected if you come across a community of uninvited guests. Look at ways you can “mosquito-proof” your garden here.

  • Overgrown foliage left to dangle near the home

Trees and shrubs that are left to overgrow to the point they hang close to the home can serve as walkways for pests trying to find their way into the household. Ants are especially fond of using branches as a pathway to enter a kitchen, or even if it’s just a leaf that allows them the guidance they need, they will catch a ride on that. 

If you maintain the landscape, you can minimize the potential for pests to be able to find their way in. It doesn’t mean they won’t get in, but they’ll have to come in at a lower level. 

That means you’ll see their entry and can squash the issue as soon as it starts with some homemade natural remedies that repel most pests. 

  • Cleaning is not always the issue

It’s not always the issue of whether a home is dirty or messy, whether there’s an insect or pest problem. Many people have a well-maintained and organized home but still find themselves with roaches. A roach is a scavenger guilty of consuming anything it comes across. 

The bug will also do what it needs to avoid danger, which is why it will usually come inside the house. They also need water and dislike extreme temperatures. Some things you can do to dissuade the insect is to ensure there are no food droppings anywhere in the home, no open cartons or food packages, and no jars of sweet honey or jams with the contents leaking out.

Another problem is in the basement, attic, or garage, where items are stored in cardboard containers instead of plastic ones. Many bugs enjoy cardboard as a protective covering, and some prefer it as a source of food, for instance, silverfish. 

Whether a spring or fall cleaning project, it’s good to go through the whole house and clean out each space, including the attic and basement plus the garage, and then work on the food cupboards. It’s also wise to get a trash receptacle with a sealed lid.

  • Cut the grass

Keeping the garden well maintained discourages all pests from attempting to make a home on your property. Most creatures prefer tall and typically undisturbed grass as a safe haven, particularly if there are longer blades and surrounding areas of weeds. 

When a homeowner regularly takes care of the landscaping with consistent weeding and mowing, there’s no place for the bugs and critters to establish a nesting spot or hideout. That means they head to another location. Maybe they go next door to the neighbor’s yard if there’s less maintenance happening over there.

Final Thought

When living in a home, much household maintenance needs to be taken care of regularly. That will include ensuring sealants and weather stripping remain effective not only for energy efficiency but this can serve as a deterrent for pesky insects from finding their way in through cracks, crevices, and holes. 

The suggestion with windows is to walk by with your hand in front of you to see if you can feel the air rushing through. If so, that means the sealing needs to be corrected. That can also be true with your doors.

Preventive measures against pests can prove to be exceptionally effective. When combined with professional, ethical, pet and people-friendly pest control services, the household will be safe for everyone who belongs there but unwelcoming to those who don’t.