Healthy Living Instruction: Bunion Correcting Sandals

Bunion is the most common disease of the big toe, a deformation of the toe, which causes pain and influences the second toe, which is also deformed in this case. So if you are the one who is facing difficulty in finding shoes that fit properly because of a bunion foot disorders just connect with foot care specialist

Problems that can cause the bunion

The main problem is uneven pressure on the foot, which leads to asymmetrical movement of the vertebrae resulting in a curvature of the spine.

Bunion also leads to problems with legs, which become X-shaped. The increased pressure on the foot leads to the deformation of the fingers and ankle joints. Also, the pressure can provoke heel blinders, arthrosis, and back problems.

But, of course, the spine suffers the most degenerative changes. The spines shift, change their position, which causes such diseases as scoliosis and protrusions that result in sharp pains in the back. Also, the increased pressure can provoke intervertebral hernias that noticeably restrict movement.

On its part, spinal problems lead to the malfunctioning of the other organs. The displaced vertebrae pinched nerve endings that are connected with other systems of the body. Symptoms can be different and can be expressed in the form of stomachache, headache, heartache.

Who is affected by the disease?

Commonly this disease runs in the family, but uncomfortable and tight shoes can also contribute to the appearance of the bunion. Excessive stress on the foot leads to the growth of the bunion.

The main causes which give rise to bunion:

  1. Heredity
  2. Uncomfortable shoes
  3. Excessive physical activity
  4. Overweight
  5. Changes in hormonal levels (including those after pregnancy)
  6. Inflammatory processes 
  7. Unsuccessful surgery.

Depending on the severity, the bunion can be:

  • Mild
  • Moderate
  • Large
  • Severe

The signs and symptoms of a bunion include:

  • A bulging bump on the outside of the base of your big toe
  • Swelling, redness, or soreness around your big toe joint
  • Corns or calluses — these often develop where the first and second toes rub against each other
  • Ongoing pain or pain that comes and goes
  • Limited movement of your big toe.

Can this pathology be cured?

Yes, of course. The method of treatment of the patient depends on the severity of the disease. At the initial stages of deformity, should start treatment with conservative methods:

To prevent bunion the docters recommend: 

  1. Eat healthy. Exclude spicy and salty foods from the menu, limit the consume of carbohydrates and sugar. Add vegetables and fruits to your diet. Watch your weight because extra pounds increase the pressure on the feet and provoke deformation. 
  2. Do gymnastics for the feet. 5-10 minutes of the simplest exercises will be enough to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the foot. 
  3. Do the foot massage following the basic rules: 

– Warm and dry hands 

– Do the massage 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. 

– Rub your feet and toes. Use a tapping and stroking motion, focusing on the inner sole. 

– The fingers should be massaged from the tips towards the foot. 

– Finish the massage with flexion and extension of the toes. 

  1. Baths for feet. Warm foot baths are perfect for relaxing and soothing after a hard day. Add herbs, salt, or baking soda. After finishing the procedure, rinse your feet with cool water and gently rub the soles with a soft towel. 
  2. Let your legs rest. If your work requires constant standing or walking, it is necessary to arrange a warm up for the legs (lower and raise the toes, “fan out the fingers”, etc.). 
  3. Wear the right shoes. Minimize wearing high-heeled shoes with narrow toes. Casual shoes should be with a stable heel – no higher than 4 -5 cm, with a rounded toe, with a soft and bendable sole. The best option is to wear orthopedic bunion correction sandals.

When the state of the bunion becomes severe it is necessary to do surgery. To prevent this and to correct your feet is to wear orthopedic bunion correction sandals. Nowadays a lot of specialized shops offer such an option, which provides you a chance to choose the design and the model of the sandals that will fit you in the best way.

What are the benefits of wearing sandals for bunion correction?

First of all, due to the universal style the casual sandals can be the perfect addition to your summer outfits, because they perfectly fit everything from denim to dress. 

Moreover, you can say goodbye to the irritated skin because the soft leather upper will definitely forewarn your feet from blisters. 

Wearing bunion corrector sandals provides slow and safe correction by realigning the angled toe back to the natural position which reduces the chances of getting surgery.

Wide variety of colours (Bronze, Golden, Lazer, Purple, Silver, Snake colour, Yellow, Black) and sizes (from 4 to 12) makes it possible for everyone to choose the most suitable pair of shoes.

How do the bunion sandals work?

Bunion sandals are specially designed to relieve bunion pain, improve the foot posture and move the angled toe bone back to it’s natural position. A toe-ring design prevents developing of bunion disease and even muscle imbalances, knock-knee and other future toe complications caused by weak imbalance and bunion. 

Who can benefit from the bunion sandals?

People all over the world, who have such problem as bunion, have an access to Internet, like sales, free shipping and are ready to order a new pair of pretty and universal bunion sandals on the