Housing Markets in Alberta: A Research Based on Affordability

According to research conducted by the National Real Estate Company Zoocasa, The company calculates the house price-to-income ratio in every primary market in Alberta and then compares them with the dual and median single household incomes, which are earned in the region.

The house price-to-income ratio refers to the basic affordability measure, which shows how many times the price of a property is to the household rate. Zoocasa suggests that a higher ratio shows a longer timeline will be required to settle a house’s payment. As a rule of thumb, the cost to income ratio should not go beyond three.

On average, the price for homes in Fort McMurray costs around $439,000. The median single income will go for $106,912, whereas the median dual costs approximately $221,430. This makes the ratios 4:1 and 2:1, respectively. Because of these ratios, the northern Alberta oil community has become the most affordable housing marketplace in the whole province. Some of these marketplaces include:

  • Grande Prairie ($318,000)
  • Airdrie (360,000)
  • Fort Saskatchewan ($369,000)
  • Cold Lake (282,000)

Grande Prairie

In Grande Prairie, around 30% of homes fall below standards. Housing affordability may affect any individual. However, there are groups, which may experience more hurdles than others. Renters normally face a lot of challenges as compared to household owners.

Though Grande Prairie is currently establishing a new Affordable Housing Strategy. This new strategy is the same as the Affordable Housing Master Plan 2011-2021, though it will have an updated vision based on the current details. The plan also outlines a few measures, which the city can undertake so as to improve housing affordability for the whole community. This has led to many policies and helped to establish more than 90 non-market housing units.


The city of Airdrie is around twenty-five minutes north of downtown Calgary. This small yet very progressive city has a population of around 29,000 individuals.

Airdrie also provides safe and clean homes at an affordable cost for individuals who have qualified.

Fort Saskatchewan

Fort Saskatchewan has experienced a huge construction boom following the year 2001, so many of the city’s housing is from this era.

Ideally, the housing stock of this city predominantly consists of townhouses and single detached houses. Approximately three-quarters of Fort Saskatchewan units have been occupied by homeowners, while household renters occupy the remaining ones.

Cold Lake

Based on Zoocasa reports, Cold Lake is one of the most affordable housing marketplaces for single buyers. In the city, there are around 60 housing units for seniors.

Following the announcement of Bonnyville’s grand opening, the Canadian government has contributed approximately $35 million through IAH for the project. Today, Alberta’s government is addressing the importance of having more senior housing in the rural areas through the completion of Bonnylodge Phase 3 and Cold Lake Seniors Lodge.

For households that have more than one income, there are a few viable options across the province. However, for individuals earning single-household incomes, buying a house in Alberta can be a great challenge. This is because no single market falls within the affordability realm.

On the other end of the spectrum, Canmore, a town in the Rocky Mountains, tops the list of the least affordable housing marketplace in Alberta. Basically, Canmore town has an average house cost of around $677,000. The median single income goes for around $52,000, while the median dual-income costs $117,000. This makes the ratios 13.1 and 5.9.1, respectively. Other the least affordable housing marketplaces in Alberta include the following:

  • Calgary ($480,000)
  • Edmonton ($383,000)
  • Okotoks ($441,000)


While the Calgary City, Federal, and Province governments may find billions of dollars for the new arenas, libraries, recreation centers, museums, and Green Line, why can’t they do the same thing for affordable housing? According to a new report, renting Calgary homes will cost typical single parents living on social assistance around 67% of their monthly incomes.

For the last 20 years, many individuals have been moving to Calgary to seek work. Therefore, if you are also moving, the REP Calgary Homes team can get you the type of property you need, be it a single-family home, condo, or townhouse.


Alberta’s government works hand in hand with different housing providers, such as non-profit sectors, private organizations, and municipalities. Edmonton city is establishing an inclusive place where everyone may enjoy stability, safety, and a chance to build a life. This starts with making sure that there are different housing options for every Edmontonian.

Most Edmontonians, including single-income families, seniors, low-wage employees, and individuals who need support, struggle to cover their housing expenses. However, everyone is affected by homelessness and housing insecurity, regardless of whether or not they require help.


Okotoks’ affordability and subsidized housing options are administered by the Westwinds Communities, a non-profit body, which works with municipalities to offer affordable housing opportunities.

If you need a house in Okotoks, but pricing is out of your reach, the council has endorsed a few recommendations from the Affordable Housing Task Force so as to address various housing challenges in the city.

It is not a surprise that the Alberta markets, including main centers, such as Edmonton and Calgary, are more affordable when compared to the most expensive real estate marketplaces in Canada, like Vancouver and Toronto. The major difference between Alberta marketplaces and other markets in different provinces is that Alberta has affordable cities. In B.C, there are two cities, which are very close to being affordable for dual households, with a price-to-income of four. Ideally, the least affordable town in Vancouver has a ratio of around 14.

As for Ontario, it only has two cities with a ratio of three or below that for dual households. According to a report released, the least affordable city in Toronto has a home-price-to-income of around 9. Zoocasa also suggests that the median dual and single household incomes for every city got Statistics Canada sources. On average, the costs of homes in every city were obtained from the local real estate boards.

The Bottom Line!

Affordable housing is a broader term and might include housing offered by the public and private sectors. It as well includes permanent and temporary housing. 

Therefore, this research is based on collective data for marketplaces, which factor in the most and least expensive markets in the city.