How to Get Hot Water Faster From a Tankless Water Heater?

If you really take care of your house, you should know how every device and machine functions. Thus, one may avoid many mistakes and unwanted accidents. We guess all modern housekeepers surely have a bath and shower. They want to heat water and use special heaters. Some instant hot water heaters heat your water in a blink of an eye. In the meanwhile, many people want to understand how to get hot water faster from a tankless water heater if it is not instant.

How long does hot water heater take to heat up? This is one of the standard questions asked by the newbies in this business. There are various methods to achieve that result. Nonetheless, we want to warn you that there may be a serious drawback. The speed of heating is largely dependent on the power of your unit. Therefore, your speed may be constrained by the lack of power. You should not grow desperate at any rate! If you ask “what water heater take to heat up”, we can help you. Read this informative guide, and you will learn some smart tips and tricks to heat your water as fast as possible.

Use a Recirculation Pump

If you put to use a recalculating pump, you can heat water much faster. To understand how it will help, we need to explain the mechanism of heating water. It runs through the pipes and gets heated. After you turn off the hot water, it remains in the pipes and steadily cools down. When you need hot water again, you have to wait until it reaches the faucet and gets warmer. A lot depends on the distance from the faucet to the tankless water heater.

Thanks to a recalculating pump, this issue can be successfully resolved. The pump will carry hot water back to the heater after it is turned off. Thanks to this option, you do not have to wait long, and it gets warmer much faster.

You may find a lot of tankless water heaters with this sort of pump. However, your heater may not include it. It will force you to spend extra money to buy and install the pump. If you are about to buy the water heater, make sure it has this pump. Thus, you will avoid the period of waiting until it is warm.

Have a Secondary Water Heater

You may also use a secondary water heater to speed up the process of heating. It is smaller and is commonly attached near the faucet. As some water always remains in the pipes after you turn it off, this secondary unit will keep it heated. When you turn on hot water again, the remaining water will be already hot. You will sue it, and after it ends, cold water will be already heated, and so there will be no pause and waiting.

Buy a Powerful Unit

Finally, you use one great method. The solution is very simple – just get a faster tankless water heater! An instant hot water heater under the sink is always a great convenience for all housekeepers. Therefore, we recommend buying an instant unit and never waiting for long until the water is heated. Check its power and consult an expert to be 100% sure it will suit this aim.

How to Find a Good Water Heater?

After we have figured out the fastest way to get the water heated, we would like to clarify another vital issue. We will explain how to find an excellent water heater. Mind that our tips will help to choose both tank and tankless options. Make allowances for the next tips:

  • Ask people you know

The first and most reliable source of information is someone you know. If this person or several persons have a certain tankless water heater at home, ask about its quality and the speed of heating. They will give a fair evaluation, and you will understand whether this or that water heater can satisfy your needs.

  • Conduct online research

Use the all-mighty Internet! It offers all kinds of information, including feedback on the best and fastest water heaters. You have various options to conduct your research.

Firstly, find online stores and check what they offer. Read detailed descriptions and choose a reasonable option.

Secondly, surf the special media. Such platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others contain many useful facts about various things, including water heaters. YouTube frequently offers detailed reviews and explanations.

  • Review rating sites

Consider reading special rating sites, such as TrustPilot, Reddit, and similar ones. They gather information on various topics from all possible sources. Those sources are verified and afterward, a certain rating site offers an objective evaluation. Thus, you will find detailed reviews and ratings of the best water heaters.

  • Read customers’ testimonials

The wisest people always learn from mistakes or the success stories of others. Therefore, make sure to read customers’ testimonials. They are commonly trustworthy and provide vital details. However, be attentive to what you find. There are many fake reviews.

  • Contact a service center

Finally, use the most dependable option – contact experts. Find a reliable store to get a professional quote on the matter. Of course, you will have to do some online research again. Many stores try to sell everything they have, and sometimes their items are either too expensive or of poor quality.

That is why some research is required. After you define which store is reliable, ask questions about the quality, warranties, power, and speed of heating water. They will tell you the truth.

The Bottom Line

Now, the time has come to wrap it up. We have offered three ways to heat water faster. Unfortunately, the choice is limited because a lot depends on the power of your water heater. If it is too low, we recommend buying and installing a new, more powerful unit. In case you cannot afford it by now, use other options mentioned in the guide.