How to Grow Plants for Gardens and Houses

Plants have been on Earth for nearly 430 million years. Today there are approximately 400,000 different plant species. Just like us, plants need looking after to survive. Typically, they require food, water, and light. However, different plants have different needs. Some require regular tending to, whereas other plants are happy to be watered and left to grow. 

Before you think about purchasing a plant, reading this article will provide you with information about how to grow them in your garden, home, or office. 

House Plants

House plants are plants that thrive on growing indoors. There are a variety of plants that prefer this type of environment, like palms. You usually tend to purchase house plants already in containers, so they should only need replanting if they have outgrown their original containers. 

Plants that grow slowly in low light and humidity are considered ideal house plants as they are undemanding. But there are exceptions to this. Succulents need continuous light, so they would be ideal by a window, but they require little maintenance. However, there are house plants that require much less light, like Devil’s Ivy or the Peace Lily, which may be more suitable.

How do I Grow a House Plant?

Know your Plant Species 

Research what type of plant you want by considering factors like where it will be placed and how much time you are prepared to look after it. After all, it’s a living thing and will require some care. Neglect is one of the common reasons for house plants to die.

Keeping the Correct Soil Moisture Level 

Perhaps one of the biggest issues is determining the right soil moisture. Overwatering can kill your plant more quickly than underwatering, although this can also cause your plant to die. As a general rule, when the top 2 inches of your plant’s soil is dry in a six-inch pot, then it requires watering.

Ensure there are Plant Pot Drainage Holes

These should be at the bottom of your plant’s pot. These holes allow any excess water to escape, preventing overwatering. They also allow air to reach the plant’s roots. If a plant’s roots are healthy, the plant usually will be too.

Access to Regular Sources of Light 

Considered one of the most important factors for house plants to thrive, light is vital for photosynthesis. It allows plants to convert light, oxygen, and water into carbohydrates which the plant then uses to grow. Without access to light, whether artificial or natural, a plant will be unable to produce the food it needs and will ultimately die.

Garden Plants

Unlike houseplants, garden plants are exposed to all seasonal elements as they are planted outside. They still require nurturing to maximize their growth. Before you do any planting, it is important you become familiar with your garden. This is to determine what plants will best grow in it.  

Perhaps the first thing worth knowing is whether it is north or south-facing. Knowing where the sun is exposed in your garden will determine where plants should be grown, according to how much light they require. Plants like lavender enjoy plenty of full sunlight, whereas a shade plant like hydrangeas would be happy with some morning sunlight. 

Furthermore, you might want to encourage wildlife into your garden, like bees and butterflies. Therefore you’ll want to grow plants and flowers that encourage both to want to regularly visit it. A healthy garden is one that has plenty of wildlife living and using it throughout the year.

How do I Grow a Garden Plant?

Know your Soil

Soil helps plants to grow by filtering water and stores organic carbon. It also provides stability for their roots. However not all garden soil is the same and different plants prefer different soil as described at Although it would be easier to grow plants that suit the soil currently in your garden, the type of soil you have can be changed by adding compost or organic matter, like plant or animal material. 

Choose the Right Plants

There are many different plant types, each with different requirements to help them grow best. It is important to avoid overcrowding the plants. Therefore knowing how much space each plant requires when fully grown, both above and below ground, will prevent them from fighting for room with other plants.

Know when to Plant

Planting too late or too early can ultimately kill your plant. Knowing frost dates are integral for your planting success. Planting too late can mean death, literally overnight. Planting too early can mean death by lack of sunlight. 


Ensure your plant’s hole is at the right depth in the soil. For bare-root plants, look for the soil line on its base as an indication of how deep it should be planted. For potted plants, place the pot into the dug hole as a guide and ensure there is an extra 2 inches around the pot’s perimeter to allow for its growth.


After your plants are in the soil, adding a layer of mulch, no more than 2 – 3 inches deep around each plant will prevent loss of moisture through evaporation, meaning less watering. Mulching will also block out the sun, which will reduce weed growth.

Feed and Water

Although your garden plants will be getting regular food and water, they may occasionally require extra nutrition to maximize their growth potential. This is particularly relevant if you are growing vegetables, like peas, carrots, and tomatoes. If you choose to use plant food, ensure you follow the instructions to avoid damaging your plants. 

Plants require a good place to grow, with enough water and light to meet their needs. If you are serious about becoming a plant owner, whether it be a houseplant or garden plant, think about how a plant would fit into your life. Ones that require too much attention for someone that is busy will more than likely suffer. By doing some research you can find a plant that will provide you with joy for many years.