Important Things to Look for When Hiring an Electrician

Your home is a haven that you should guard with all you have as it harbors precious memories, emotions, and lives. It also houses several investment pieces that you have toiled and labored many years to achieve. There are many electronic devices at home.

Technology offers modern devices that are highly sophisticated. The electrical supply is a series of complex components that interconnect many things in your space, from the AC and CCTV cameras to laptops, cookers, and TV. 

According to a study, about 79 percent of home fires result from electrical faults or malfunctions. With such statistics, having a competent electrician on call is a form of a preventive approach. Hiring a qualified electrician may sound like rocket science, but here are some important things to guide you when hiring an electrician. According to a study, about 79 percent of home fires result from electrical faults or malfunctions. With such statistics having an experienced electrical repair in adelaide is a form of preventive approach. Hiring a qualified electrician may sound like rocket science, but here are some important things to guide you when hiring an electrician.  

Qualifications and Experience

Electricians come with varied experience and qualifications. There are several specialized areas in electrical work. Hence it is crucial to assess the exact person you need for the job. 

An electrician with a master’s brings at least three years of experience with a 12-month quality warranty. 

If your power bills are abnormally high, consider hiring an electrician holding accreditation in the energy efficiency field. You will get the best service of energy-saving technology and products. 

Your electrician should carry out routine maintenance, repair, and audits of all electrical systems, like circuit breaker panels and junction boxes. 

An electrician that stays up to date with education and training is the best bet as the technical world is highly dynamic. Engage a contractor updated with all the techniques and equipment for the best services and has the latest updates by the National Electrical Code. If you are the one residing in Naples you can go for electrical repair in Naples, FL.

License, Insurance, and Permits

Only hire a licensed electrician. An operating license is the only way to guarantee that your contractor is qualified and has all the accreditations, completed necessary courses, and practical experience to deliver the job well. 

Request for the license and verify that it is valid (you can check online). Your contractor’s license should cover the scope of work you have. Pay attention to any restrictions the permit may have and ensure your electrician carries the needed and valid insurance. 

Significant electrical projects may require a permit before execution. Luckily, some electricians offer a permit as part of the services and include it in the quotation. Consider asking your contractor if you need one. 


Experts advise that you get at least three quotes before settling for a principal contractor for your project. When sourcing for the electrician, it is crucial to state your needs clearly and, if possible, the materials and fittings you wish to use. 

Insist on a quote with a price breakdown to enable you to compare the quotes. While price is essential, that is not the only factor to consider when choosing an electrician.

Attitude and Communication 

Lazy contractors with a bad attitude are hard to handle. It is always important to pay attention to the electrician’s work ethic before signing them up. Look at their communication skills and general attitude towards work and people. 

A good and professional attitude often leads to exemplary work, while arrogant contractors deliver sloppy work. 


Once you have ticked all your boxes and feel confident that you have settled for the best, there is one more thing to look for when hiring an electrician – referrals. Choosing one contractor among the many in the market can be overwhelming. Ask former clients about their experience with the electrician. Also, check their online profile for the customers’ feedback.