Parental Alienation Treatment Centers – What Are They, How Do They Work?

If you are wondering what parental alienation treatment centers are and how they work, this article has the answers for you! It discusses what these therapists do and how they can help families.

What is Parental Alienation?

Parental Alienation is a form of emotional abuse used by one parent to manipulate the other and cause them to withhold their child. The parent who has been alienated will act out in different ways such as refusing to speak to the other parent, developing new relationships with friends, family members, and even strangers, or they may try to act like they are the only one who is doing anything for their child.

Parental Alienation Treatment Centers

There are two types of treatment centers: the traditional residential homes, and the intensive day treatment centers, which focus on outpatient therapy. The residential homes provide a safe, structured environment where children can transition back into their parents’ care. There they will learn how to develop healthy communication skills and social bonds with peers again. To reduce the effect of alienation, you can also check out parental alienation treatment Centers at

The day treatment centers provide more intensive therapy than the residential homes. They are usually staffed by therapists who can help children learn coping skills. 

The Impact of Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a form of child abuse in which one parent denies, or acts to devalue the relationship with, their child. It’s also often referred to as parental alienation syndrome. The cycle of parental alienation begins when one parent tries to turn the child against the other parent in order to have more control over them. The children may be encouraged to hide games, phone calls, and conversations with the other parent.

Types of Parental Alienation

One type of parental alienation is where one parent purposely alienates the other. This can be done by telling their partner that the other parent isn’t wanted, that they are a bad person, or that they aren’t in the relationship because they have moved on with somebody else. Another type is where one parent creates false stories about what the other parent is doing. This might be to make it seem like the other parent is abusing their child and/or committing crimes against them.

One of the leading causes of broken families is parental alienation. This is when one parent tries to control and manipulate their child so that they don’t want to see or speak to the other parent. Parental alienation is a ground for divorce and it can lead to mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.