Safety Tips for Roofing Repair

A full roof replacement can be extremely expensive, but in many cases, you may be able to repair sections of your roof without replacing the whole thing. In fact, many of these repairs you can probably do yourself, which can save you even more money. However, before doing any activity in roofing St. Catharines homeowners should understand that roof repair can be very dangerous. For that reason, if you decide to repair your roof yourself, be sure to follow these safety tips.

Clear the Area From Hazards

Before you begin repairing your roof, make sure the area you’re going to fix is clear from hazards that could pose a safety threat. For example, if your roof is near a sidewalk where people can pass near your home, you may want to block it off while you work so that no one is injured by falling debris. While on the roof, note any skylights, overhead power lines, or other potential pitfalls that could cause injury. Additionally, avoid working on the roof during adverse weather conditions like rain or snow, which can make the surface slick.

Use a Harness

Professional roofers are already required to wear a harness when working on many residential roofing projects, which means you should wear one as well. After all, if a professional who does roofing for a living has to wear necessary safety equipment, someone who is doing a repair for the first time should also take that precaution. A variety of harnesses are on the market for roofing projects, and each one has a specific purpose. Be sure the one you select is rated for your weight and takes the height of your roof into consideration.

Use Appropriate Ladder and Climbing Techniques

When setting up your ladder, ensure that all locks are engaged and that the angle is a quarter of the working length away from the side of your house. This will ensure that the ladder is stable and secure. If you’re working around power lines, use a wood or fiberglass ladder that will not conduct electricity in case you come too close to one. Electricity can jump, even if you don’t come into direct contact with the line. As you climb up and down the ladder, maintain three-point contact with the ladder at all times so you don’t lose your balance.

Take Frequent Breaks and Stay Hydrated

Roofs naturally trap the heat, so even when it’s fairly cool on the ground, it can become quite toasty on the roof. For this reason, be sure to pace yourself as you’re working and take frequent breaks in the shade. If there is shade on the roof behind a gable or chimney, you won’t have to climb down, but if it’s all exposed to the sun, climb down carefully and rest in a shady place. Also, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as heat exhaustion and sunstroke due to dehydration is a real danger when working on a roof.


Saving money on roof repairs is a great reason to handle the repairs yourself. However, you should always take the appropriate safety precautions as you work so that you don’t end up with a tragedy on your hands. It only takes a few minutes to make your work space and procedures safe, especially if you follow the tips given here.