Shade Sail Poles: How Accessories Can Turn Your Summer Around

Summer is finally on the way, and we already know that, along with it, comes that time of year when the sun starts beating down too hard. In fact, even those who love the warmer weather and lying out in the sun have to recognise that in some cases the temperature becomes unbearable, and it is not always possible to lie down without some kind of protection. When the sun’s rays are right in our faces in summer, it gets difficult to do anything, from relaxing in our own garden to enjoying outdoor meals in our favourite restaurant. In order not to have to give up these little pleasures of life, the only solution to this problem could be to install an awning over the affected area. This option is very practical and, if you wish, it can also be removed after use. For those who are not familiar with them, all shade tents look alike. What really distinguishes them from each other, apart from the materials they are made of, are the matching accessories, such as shade sail poles. Don’t know what these are? Then read on to find out more!


Many of you may think that an awning alone is enough to provide the strongest protection from the sun. However, this is actually not the case. There are many other factors to consider besides the intensity of the rays, such as the movement of the sun according to the hours. Depending on the current time of day, the sun’s rays will hit a different spot. For this reason, it is essential to have equipment that allows the awning to be tilted easily. This is where shade sail poles come into play. With them, the tent can be adjusted and moved at will at any moment.


Very often, hooks for attaching tents are included in some accessories, such as shade sail poles, or even in the tent itself. In some cases, however, the hook must be purchased individually, but this is always specified before the order is placed. Clearly, this accessory is particularly essential because without it, the tent cannot be fixed to anything. So, before you make your choice, always make sure you have hooks in order to be able to hang your tent.


When it comes to attaching a tent, there are always specific situations to take into account. Try to picture this yourself: attaching a tent to a wall is not the same thing as attaching it to a pole. Therefore, depending on the customer’s requirements, there are always specific accessories to be purchased separately to efficiently assemble your product. In this regard, Maanta offers its customers special kits with all the accessories needed to set up a tent, divided by different occasions. So, if you have any problems, do not hesitate to consult the website to discover the perfect solution.