Tips How to Choose the Right Home Warranty Plan

You finally made the decision to get warranty for your home – great choice! What you need to do now is to choose from the best providers of home warranty, the one that will cater to your specific needs the best way possible.

The market is saturated with companies like these making it look like a piece of cake to just pick one but when you begin your search, you’ll come to see that it’s not as easy as it seems. Find your option on

Here are some tips on how to find one that is just right for you.

Decide what kind of coverage you need

There are various plans offered by Home warranty companies and they all vary in coverage. There are companies with a separate plan for appliances and for home systems including plumbing or heating. There are others with plans in which both appliances and systems are included but to varying degrees. Hence, the need to know the appliances and systems you would like to get coverage for before engaging the services of a company.
Decide what kind of coverage you need

Look out for companies that have your area included in their coverage

There are various kinds of home warranty providers. There are those whose area of coverage is the entire area of the United States or the areas around the U.S. or some regions with services getting to a few states. Therefore, you should keep this in mind as you carry out your search. The best option would be just to type in the search: home warranty in New Jersey, for example. This way will appear only home warranty providers that cover your area.

Consider the number of coverage plans available

There are a minimum of two plans offered by most companies. Usually one covers systems, another one – appliances. It’s a bonus if a combined plan is offered by a home warranty provider especially if the hybrid plan incorporates things from both and there is an opportunity for a customized plan making it possible to pick how many things you want to coverage for.

Choose companies that offer customer service 24/7

There’s usually no set time for malfunctions to happen. Your dishwasher could develop a fault in the wee hours of the night and you would require that your home warranty provider comes around as quickly as possible to fix it. This means that they work all the time. Round-the-clock service is advertised by a lot of companies but most times, their words are just mere words. The way to go about it is to contact the company directly and ask if they offer round-the-clock customer service.
Choose companies that offer customer service 24 7

Choose companies with free online quotes

Due to some factors the prices of plans are not usually put up by home warranty companies on their websites. Even a price-range is not given by majority of these companies. Hence, the only means of knowing the cost of a coverage plan would be to get a quote for free. Besides, giving free quotes shows that a company means business and they look out for the best interests of their customers.

Go through contract samples

If every home warranty provider had ‘Terms and Conditions’ section on their website, it would be great but it isn’t like that always. Therefore, to get to know more concerning the coverage limitations, exceptions and restrictions, you should check out a contract sample which has everything in it. On the website, you can find them in the FAQ section.