Wood Pellets Flavour Guide

In the modern era, cooking is much easier with woodchips, wood pellets, and many other fuels. The wood pellets have made cooking more efficient than any other fuel as they are easy to store and transport.

Numerous wood pellets companies are making it on a large scale while small business holders make it on their own. Wood pellets can also be made at home by using a simple method. Collect the raw material such as sawdust and wood lags, and dry it under sunlight for 24 hours. Then grind it and make wood pellets of desirable sizes.

The wood pellets give a special flavour to the meat. Many countries prefer to use wood pellets as they are environment friendly. It doesn’t increase carbon dioxide and nitrogen content in the environment. 

What are Wood Pellets?

Wood pellets are small pieces of woodchips and other agriculture and forest raw materials. These are used extensively in cooking and heating. The dkbrænde is making wood pellets of the size of 6mm – 10mm. At the same time, many other companies are making a larger size of pellets. 

How are Wood Pellets Made?

Wood pellets are made by compressing the large wood lags. High heat and pressure are applied to the lags to change the shape and size of wood lags. The by-products of wood pellets are dried in the sunlight and air to remove the moisture. 

The wood pellets makers are highly selective in the type of wood and flavour. Mostly they use the oak tree for the manufacturing of wood pellets. There is no use of chemicals to bind the woodchips.

Wood Pellet Flavours:

The following are some major flavours of wood pellets that are widely used:

Alder Wood Pellets:

It is one of the most variable flavours of wood pellets having a mild touch of aroma. The wood of alder gives the natural smell of chicken and fish. If you want to add a perfect flavour to your dishes, try the alder wood pellets.

Apple Wood Pellets:

The applewood pellets offer a light fruity flavour. A fruity smoke of applewood enhances the fragrance of fruits and gives a mild complexion of meat. Feel the awesome fragrance of apple pie by using the best Applewood pellets.

Cherry Wood Pellets:

If you want to add a hearty, smoky flavour must try cherry wood pellets. In European countries, people preferably use cherry wood pellets due to their awesome flavour. If you are making marinated BBQ must use these wood pellets.

Hickory Wood Pellets:

Due to the strong smell of hickory wood pellets, these are used in barbecue. Most probably, people use it to have a fascinating door. At the same time, many other people use it with apple and oak wood pellets to reduce the strong fragrance.

Maple Wood Pellets:

Last but not least, the maple wood pellets give admirable fragrance. People of turkey use maple wood pellets. If you are cooking using maple wood pellets, most probably your family will demand it again and again. 

Whenever you are going to buy wood pellets must consider the above-described wood pellets and enjoy cooking.