5 Steps to Maintain the Paint Color of Your Home

Painting your house is one of the best home improvement projects that help maintain your home’s aesthetic appeal and value. A new paint job gives your home a new look, but only if done right. Remember, a painting project is a huge investment, and aside from doing it right, you need to work hard to maintain it. Here are some steps to maintain the paint color of your home.

  1. Prepare Your Home Properly Before a Paint Job

The first step to painting your home involves proper preparation of the surface. If you don’t prepare, the paint won’t stick properly and will peel off not long after you finish the job.

To prepare the wall, ensure you inspect for cracks and holes and fill them before applying your paint. If the surface is dirty, make sure you clean it properly. You can’t apply paint on dust and dirt and expect it to stick properly.

And finally, if your existing paint is not in good condition, make sure you strip it from the wall before applying new paint.

  1. Clean It Regularly

Once you apply the paint, you need to make sure it stays in good condition by regularly cleaning it. If you allow dirt to stick to your paint, it will fade or peel off over time. The paint can also warp and chip easily.

Get rid of any stubborn stains by regularly wiping the walls. You can also use a damp sponge and water to clean very dirty areas. If the wall is very dirty, you can add dishwashing detergent to your water and use a damp sponge to clean.

  1. Avoid Moisture

Moisture is the number one enemy when it comes to maintaining clean paint. If the painted surface gets humid, the paint won’t last. Moisture causes warping and bubbling. When this happens, it also causes trim and siding problems.

Moisture also attracts mold and mildew, which will stain your walls. The areas that easily get humid and warm are usually the bathroom and the basement. You should ensure they’re dry most of the time or use a dehumidifier to control moisture. If possible, purchase a special paint that keeps mold away.

  1. Check for Defects

No matter how careful you are with your paint job, it’s still prone to wear and tear over time. You need to be on the lookout for such problems to ensure they don’t interfere with your entire home.

You’ll often notice chipping, cracks, peeling, and discoloration. These problems may appear minor and harmless but can worsen if you don’t solve them on time. So, make sure you fix these minor defects before they become even bigger.

  1. Ensure Proper Paint Storage

If you have some paint left after doing the job, you have to store it in good condition. The leftover paint will come in handy whenever you need to do some touchups and solve minor defects like the ones mentioned above. But this paint won’t help if you don’t store it well.

Store the paint well, so it doesn’t dry up. If you store your paint well, you can even use it in five years, and it will still do the job right. You should ensure the remaining paint is tightly sealed and stored in a cool, dry place. Make sure you also keep your paint away from direct sunlight.

But even with proper storage, make sure the paint is still fresh the next time you need to use it. Always check for the expiry dates of your paint. Or better yet, start by investing in good-quality paint.

Bonus Point: Get a Professional to Do The Job

It’s nice and fulfilling to paint your house all by yourself. However, you can’t compare a DIY job with a professional’s. So, even though you want to save money on the project, getting a professional to paint your home is the best way to ensure it lasts long enough.

If you’re looking for professional painters to give your home a fresh, new look, Wilko Painting will be at your disposal. The experts specialize in residential, commercial, and industrial painting and will always do their best to ensure the paint lasts long enough.


Jim Pulman has extensive knowledge and experience in Home Building, Construction, and Design. He writes articles in his free time and partners with content creators to share his expertise with the online community