6 Tips for First-time Parents to Design Their Kid’s Bedroom

A kid’s room is where your little ones play and grow. It is their personal corner, their kingdom that must be completely customized to meet their needs and likings. While designing a room for your kids is a lot of fun and a loved task, it can also be challenging to find the right things and setups for them.

A popular trend is to design a theme-based room that can be related to their favorite cartoon, favorite game, princess castle, etc. Theme-based or general, kids novelty beds by Wesco Hub makes the center point of all kid’s room designs. You can begin with getting the right bed and play around with it to fill in other essentials and decoratives. 

The enormous variety you see in the market can bamboozle even experienced parents and makes it challenging for first-timers. Here are some tips to guide your choice and help you create a perfect room for your little ones.

  • Hook to simplicity

The kid’s room is itself a lot demanding as there is apparently no end to their needs. For that reason, keeping the design simple with basic elegant decor and minimalistic furnishing is a great idea. It allows you to create more space to move and have a plain canvas with tremendous scope for enhancement as your kids grow.

  • Make it playful

A kid’s room with not enough space for playing makes no sense. By adding play space or playful items you can make your children instantly love the room. Try having a small ball pit, a playful house frame bed, or an indoor swing to start with. You can also dedicate a corner for playing and use a carpet to separate it.

  • Ensure adequate space utilization

Whether the room for your children is compact or a big one, creatively using space is a must. Even if they have a large room, they mostly like to find their comfort zones or corners where they spend the maximum time. Use the space wisely and creatively such as adding storage or a play area under the bed.

  • Get plenty of storage

Children have a lot of stuff to store. You need to arrange space to store everything from games to books, toys, clothes, and a lot more. It is always a good idea to double up on storage space to accommodate their stuff that is often in different sizes and shapes. Remember, their needs and items will keep on increasing as they grow.

  • Design colorful and lively

Children love pops and splashes of colors. It makes their spaces full of life and energy. Although it is a great idea to fill their room with different shades, you need to be thoughtful while choosing the hues.

Your little one might like it all hot pink today but may ask for a change in short few years. It is better to combine a pallet with happy colors that your children adore and use a good mix that stay relevant to them for longer.

  • Add a kid’s work area to keep the little hands busy

Kids are often hyperactive with their hands always exploring the surroundings and minds absorbing it all. If the space permits, you should honor their inquisitiveness. You can build a working corner where they would do homework, study, draw and do other creative activities.