8 Commonplace Electrical Problems That Necessitates The Help of an Electrician

Certain homeowners attempt to solve trivial electrical issues on their own, for example, faulty breakers or flickering lights.But this is not advisable since seemingly minor electrical problems. In such a situation, hiring an experienced electrician of Kilcoy is the best decision. These experts can certainly notice electrical faults.

1. Overloaded Power Outlets

If you have several devices plugged into an outlet, the power boards are overloaded, and power points may pose a safety risk since they can exceed the electrical system’s capability. It’s better to have a qualified house electrician from Melbourne that can install more receptacles and outlets to suit your requirements.
Overloaded Power Outlets

2. Out-Of-Date Wire Covers

Many of your older homes still have cloth wire covers that are not adequate to protect you from electric currents. Rubber or black scraps close to your outlets are an indication of outdated cable covers. When you notice these signs, it can be indicative of outlet covers and wiring which are ineffective. IN such an instance, an electrician must replace cloth wire covers with plastic or rubber covers.

3. Unsound Lights And Outlets

If you notice any dimming or flickering lights once motorized appliances (fridges or aircon) are plugged in, you must contact an electrician immediately. This means the devices may be using excessive amounts of power that is exceeding your power point’s suggested capacity. A professional like Pulse Electrical can install an individual circuit to our outlet for it to function appropriately.

4. Faulty Breakers

Faulty Breakers
When your breakers keep tripping, or your fuses are blown out it may be indicative of a complex issue relating to your electrical circuits. Simply resetting the breaker and replacing your fuses may not be the solution to the underlying issue. This may even cause further damage.

5. Weakening Panels

Any signs of rust or moisture underneath your home’s main service panel it may be an indication of severe issues with wiring connections inside the panel and needs to be addressed immediately.

6. Electrical Shocks

It’s not normal to feel any sort of electrical shock when you’re connecting appliances to an outlet. Even insignificant shocks can be a sign of a fire or potential electrocution occurring at some point. The problem may be due to frayed wires in the system, and an electrician must be called.

7. Inadequately Placed Cords

Inadequately Placed Cords
Make sure no electric cords are running around edges of your rooms or under rugs. Exposed wires or cables can cause severe safety risks. Rather have an electrician install more outlets in your home.

8. Old Electrical Systems

Older houses often have electrical systems which no longer comply with national standards and codes. If your electrical system has not been updated within the last twenty-five years, it may be possible that you have a hazardous electric system. Have an electrician inspect the system to conclude whether the system is up-to-date or needs to be replaced.


If you notice any of the electrical issues mentioned above in your home, make sure you enlist the aid of a certified electrician immediately to avoid personal injury or damages to your home.