A New Format of Working: How to Turn Home into an Office

Due to the lightning-fast spread of COVID-19 and the desire of business owners to optimize costs in a difficult situation, employees and managers have switched to a remote work format. Some companies took part-time employment, but the changes affected everyone – and office life began to blaze in millions of residential premises, in private houses, cottages, own and rented apartments.

Many corporations have preferred remote management as a long-term strategy:

  • Microsoft is a full-time job – from home, provided that the employee has coordinated this with the line manager. Without coordination, remote work should be partial, a little less than 50% of the total time.
  • Twitter – In May 2020, the company announced that its employees are free to work from home as long as they want. Also, all official meetings, which assumed a “live” connection, were cancelled.
  • Slack – remote Employment – permanent. The company emphasized its focus on this format of work in the future, therefore, Slack will be hiring an increasing number of remote specialists.
  • Mastercard – management has stated that their employees can work outside the office as much as they consider necessary.

Despite the optimistic tendencies, there is still a category of realists who doubt that the same productivity is possible at home as in the office. After all, when an employee is at home, he can be distracted by many things: from the sound of a hole punch from neighbours to the hustle and bustle of his family members. And how can you integrate a full-fledged workplace into your personal space so that it is stylish, ergonomic and comfortable? How to organize a work area and what colour scheme to choose, do you need office door signs in an apartment or in a private house? We have answers to these questions.

3 organization rules

  1. Decide what furniture and equipment you need, how much space you need for this. If you mainly work at a PC, set up a computer desk. Lots of paperwork and books? Figure out where to put it so that everything is close at hand.
  2. Take a look at the environment in your home, think about where the work area might be. If you immediately selected it, all that remains is to come up with a design that will fit into the existing interior. If there is no such place, it may need to be rearranged.
  3. Provide yourself with plenty of natural light. So your work will be more productive, there will be no fatigue. If there is not enough light, install additional lighting: a lamp or pendant lights.

The best place for your study

  • Separate room. Ideal, as you can put a table of the desired size here and install a lot of convenient shelving. A soft sofa for relaxation will not be superfluous. And for those who take this issue seriously, we recommend studying the door signs catalogue and pick up interior decorations in a classic or modern style.
  • Living room. Since this room usually serves as a place of rest and pastime for the whole family, we do not recommend turning it entirely into an office, only partially. Use the zoning principle. For this, partitions, screens, shelves, etc. will fit.
  • Balcony or storage room. To work on the balcony not only in summer but also in winter, it must be glazed and winterized. There is usually a lot of natural light here, so this is a great place to work efficiently. But the storage room, on the contrary, requires additional lighting. Yes, and in the second case, do not forget to ventilate the room more often and take breaks in the fresh air.

Location options

  1. in a niche;
  2. in the closet;
  3. with folding table;
  4. on the windowsill.

Original ideas: colours for more efficiency and stylish door signs

Install more organizers to save space. The printer and other office equipment do not have to be placed on the desktop. Shelves will do. And get a slate board to jot down important ideas. Add fresh flowers to the interior.

Pay special attention to the palette:

  • red and blue-green – stimulate overall performance;
  • orange – tones up, its shades have a good effect on efficiency;
  • yellow – has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and eye-sight;
  • yellow-green – relieves intellectual overwork;
  • green and blue – refresh and calm down (for long-term performance).

Consider this when choosing interior decorations in the door signs catalogue, decor elements and other items that you need to be productive at home. Then business success is guaranteed!