Acrylic Renders Vs Cement Renders: Know Which One Is The Best For Your Home

It is always a good time to makeover your home into a beautiful dream home, but you aren’t sure about the next steps. It can be like the first time you bought a house, and you are looking for the right information to deck it up. 

Perhaps, the simplest yet most sophisticated way of making your home beautiful is by ‘rendering’. Rendering is the process of applying a material on the external surface of your walls to maintain their beauty and strength. There are majorly two types of rendering- Acrylic Rendering and Cement Rendering

Acrylic Rendering

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In acrylic rendering, acrylic is applied on the walls to improve their compactness. Acrylic is a plastic material, and you can spray, roll or trowel it on your walls. You don’t need to apply more than two coats of acrylic in this kind of rendering. Apart from making your walls look more beautiful, acrylic rendering also keeps them durable and stronger. Let’s look at some advantages of acrylic rendering.

  1. No cracks

With time, cracks may develop on the surface of the wall. If your house is exposed to extreme temperatures, the cracks will enlarge and become deeper over time. However, if you go for acrylic rendering, these cracks will not enlarge further. If you apply acrylic at the time of plastering your walls, there won’t be any cracks at all. 

  1. Range of shades

You would be surprised to find a wide range of shades of acrylic when you decide to render your house. Choose the right shade for your walls, and beautify your home today! To choose your shade, click here.

  1. Any surface

Acrylic Rendering can be done on various surfaces such as concrete, timber, bricks, porous masonry surfaces, foam panels, etc. Not only that, but your acrylic mix also comes in several grades as well- fine grain, coarse, and medium-grained. 

  1. Quick dry

Some people believe acrylic rendering would take a long time to dry, but that is not correct! Because of its inherent properties, acrylic-rendered walls dry up quickly. In some cases, your walls would dry in just two days. Drywalls mean fewer bacteria or viruses on your walls, and therefore, a healthier environment for you and your loved ones to live in.

However, there is another form of rendering- cement rendering. Here, a mixture of cement and sand is applied on the bricks making up the wall. 

Cement rendering

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Normally, this mixture comprises six parts of sand, 1 part of cement, and 1 part of lime. To make all these materials stick together, you also need particular kinds of adhesives. Usually in this rendering, coarser sand makes the bottom layer, while finer sand is used in the upper layer. Cement rendering also has a few advantages-

  1. It adds to the art of your property.
  2. Since the cement is a sturdy material, it keeps your home durable and strong. Like acrylic, this rendering also stops cracks from coming up and expanding.
  3. Cement rendering can be done using various ways- brushing, sponging, and stamping.
  4. It also keeps your home well-insulated. If you are living in a warm area, your house remains cool, thanks to cement rendering. 
  5. Cement rendering is also affordable. Most of the materials in the mixture are easily available and don’t cost much. 

Which kind of rendering works best?

It all depends on your requirements. If you have kids around who like playing football within your house, please consider acrylic rendering. These walls can absorb shocks of small to medium magnitude. Cement rendering is meant for those who want their walls to ‘breathe’. Cement being a porous material, it allows air to pass through your home, keeping it cooler.