Do You Know Where Your Drinking Water Comes From?

The Earth is approximately 70% water. In fact, it’s estimated that there are 333 million cubic miles of water on the planet! Unfortunately, only 2.5% of this is fresh water. It goes around in a circle to provide the water you drink.

The Water Cycle

Water exists in large bodies, such as lakes and the sea. Thanks to the power of the sun, some of this water evaporates into the air. Where it forms clouds. When the clouds become heavy enough and they reach cooler air, the moisture will revert to water and come back down to Earth as rain. 

Rainwater moves across and through the ground, heading for lakes, reservoirs, and the sea. This water is collected and then processed before heading to your home. 

It’s worth noting that when the water evaporates it is effectively pure. However, as it returns to the surface of the planet, it can be contaminated by pollutants in the atmosphere. The same is true when it rolls across and through the ground. It will pick up pollutants such as pesticides, heavy metals, and even minerals. 

That’s why the water in reservoirs needs to be treated before it is sent to your home.

Why You Need A Water Filter

Of all the options on, the market, reverse osmosis membranes are generally regarded as the best option for removing pollutants and bacteria from your water, making it safe to drink. 

If you’re wondering why you should invest in a water filter then you need to understand the rest of the process that brings the water to your door.

Water collected in reservoirs will contain minerals, pollutants, bacteria, and small pieces of debris. None of these is good for you.

That’s why the water treatment plant puts all the water through specially designed filters to remove debris. They also add chlorine to the water to kill all pathogens, bacteria, and bugs. Alongside this, they add fluoride to help give people strong teeth and bones. The aim is to make sure the water is safe and meets government standards before it is sent to your home.

The water is then pumped from the plant down miles of pipes to eventually reach individual homes. Unfortunately, because there are so many pipes, it’s impossible to monitor all of them.

The smallest leak won’t create a noticeable pressure drop or any other sign. But, it will allow bacteria and other contaminants to enter the water. That could cause health issues when you drink it.

A good filter removes these contaminants and the worry. 

Alongside this, you need to consider the chemicals added. Fluoride has been linked with an increased risk of cancer although further research suggests the link is minor. Chlorine is good at killing bacteria but it can also have a negative effect on health, especially if you suffer from respiratory issues.

In short, once you know where your water comes from and how it gets to you, you’ll know it’s time to invest in a filtration system and protect your family.