Finding the Perfect Chandelier for Your Home

A quality chandelier can often drastically upgrade the aesthetic appeal of a room. However, it may be difficult to discern how to pick the best chandelier for a room. Everyone’s preferences are different, but the modern glass chandeliers may fit great in one room that can stick out like a sore thumb in another.

Here are a few things you should keep in mind when chandelier shopping:

Consider Its Placement

Consider Its Placement
There are various places in a house that you can hang a chandelier. One of the most popular options is hanging one in a large foyer or open lobby of a home. This is a relatively traditional placement, and it is useful when looking to set the mood for those walking into your house. It immediately establishes a luxurious expectation of the space, while illuminating the area simultaneously. It should be placed relatively high up, and out of reach for full effect.

Another traditional chandelier placement is in the dining room. Many people position a chandelier above the dining room table, and it helps bring the space together and create an air of luxury.

Of course, these are just the more popular placement options. You can place a chandelier just about anywhere, as long as it is hung high enough and works to tie the room together.

Consider Style

There are many different styles and shapes of luxury chandeliers for sale, and finding one that matches the aesthetic of your space is critical. Here are a few of the most prominent styles:

Candle-Style Chandelier

Candle-Style Chandelier
As the name implies, this chandelier essentially holds candles or artificial candles. This type of chandelier shines best when placed in entryways.

Shaded Chandelier—The shaded chandelier has individual cups of glass surrounding each light. This type is particularly suitable for dining rooms and more classically designed spaces. The glass can be in an array of colors, stained glass, or decorative glass.

Multi-Tiered Chandelier

Multi-tiered chandeliers can have anywhere between two and five layers. The more layers, the fancier they appear. They are often used in fine dining spaces.

These are just a few of the many styles of chandeliers. Being able to identify what style you are looking for can help guide your journey shopping when for a chandelier.

Consider the Size

Finding the right size of chandelier for your space is a make or break. You don’t want to have a massive, bulky chandelier in a relatively tiny foyer. This can shrink the room, and make the chandelier look gaudy and unattractive. On the other hand, you don’t want to have an extremely tiny chandelier in a large dining room. You want to be able to find a proportion that allows the chandelier to stand out, while not muting the other elements of the room.
Consider the Size
A rule of thumb to determine what size chandelier you need is to gather the length and width of the room in feet, and then convert each number to inches. Add these two numbers together. For instance, a 12’ x 16’ room would equal 28’’. This number should approximately equal the diameter of your fixture.