For Fork’s Sake! A Guide to Forklift Purchasing for Construction Business Owners

If you’re going to run a successful construction company, there is all kinds of heavy equipment that you’re going to need to do it. From dump trucks and excavators to backhoes and bulldozers, you’re going to have to get your hands on these things to provide superior services to your clients.

There are some construction companies that make the mistake of overlooking forklifts. But they’re one of the many pieces of heavy equipment that you’re going to want to have handy on any construction site.

Need help with forklift purchasing? we are going to explain everything you need to know. But, if you are looking for genie construction equipment’s, visit this article of Costhack, which has explained different lift rental cost in an efficient way.

You should familiarize yourself with your forklift purchasing options and learn about the things to consider when purchasing a forklift prior to buying one. Here is a guide that will help you find a forklift that will fit your needs.

Start by Deciding If You Definitely Need to Buy a Forklift

As we mentioned a moment ago, you’re going to need to use a forklift at different points to run a construction business. But are you going to use one often enough to justify buying one?

You should have the forklift rental vs. purchasing debate and figure out which option will be better for you. If you only plan on using a forklift every now and then, you might not need to go about purchasing a forklift.

If, however, you could really use a forklift on almost every job site you work on, it’ll let you know that you need to put forklift purchasing into motion. You shouldn’t wait too long to bring one on board since you could be making life harder on yourself by not having a forklift around.

Think About What You’re Going to Use a Forklift For

Once you’ve decided that you’re going to buy a forklift vs. renting one, the next thing you’ll want to do is think about how you’re going to be using a forklift when you get it. Are you going to use it to:

  • Take building materials off the truck that you use to transport them to job sites?
  • Lift building materials high up in the sky on job sites?
  • Carry materials around on job sites as you work?

The forklift that you choose for your construction company should be capable of doing whatever you need it to do. If, for example, you’re going to use a forklift to lift things up very high, you’ll need to invest in one that is on the taller side. It’ll serve you well and will meet your demands when you put it to the test.

Figure Out How Much Weight You’ll Need a Forklift to Pick Up on a Regular Basis

About how much weight is your forklift going to need to be able to pick up and carry around on a regular basis? This is one of the most important questions that you’ll need to ask yourself when you’re looking around at different forklift purchasing options.

Each and every forklift has what’s called a maximum lift capacity. It determines how much weight a forklift can pick up safely without putting a job site at risk.

You shouldn’t ever push a forklift to do more than it’s capable of doing. If you do, it could result in property damage and injuries on your construction sites.

Your forklift needs to be ready to lift whatever you’re going to be asking it to lift day in and day out. That might mean paying a little bit extra for one that has a higher maximum lift capacity than others.

Consider What Kind of Fuel You Want to Use for a Forklift

There are different fuel options that you’ll have when you’re searching for a forklift. You can get forklifts that run on either gasoline or diesel.

You can also find forklifts these days that run on electric. They’re usually a whole lot quieter than their gas and diesel counterparts, and they’re also better for the environment.

Your goal should be to weigh the pros and cons of each of these types of forklifts. It’ll help you find the best one for your company.

Determine How You’re Going to Move a Forklift From One Job Site to the Next

Before you can start using a forklift on a job site, you’re going to have to come up with a way to get it there. And there are some forklifts that aren’t going to be easy to move around.

Fortunately, so-called piggyback forklifts are available for those who plan to move a forklift around early and often. You can mount one right on the back of a truck and take it to wherever you need it to be in no time at all.

Piggyback forklifts have become very popular in the construction industry. You should put them at the top of your list of forklift purchasing options.

Calculate What You Can Afford to Spend on a Forklift

At the end of the day, your construction company could really benefit from owning a forklift. But you need to make sure you have room in your budget for one.

You should crunch the numbers and find out what you can afford to spend on forklift purchasing. This alone will help you narrow down your search for a forklift and allow you to find one that works well with your budget. 

Put These Forklift Purchasing Tips to Good Use When Buying One

From the moment that you start using a forklift on your job sites, you’ll wonder why you didn’t make the decision to do it sooner. A single forklift can make your construction company so much more efficient than it is now.

Use some of the forklift purchasing tips found here to track down the right forklift for your construction company. You’ll be glad you did when you see what a difference it makes.

Check out the other articles on our blog to get more great advice on running your construction company.