Furnace Installation Season

If you were thinking about a furnace installation, then now is the time to act on it. Now is the time of year to get your home ready to face the elements as the warm, sunny days become fewer and fewer, and the long cold and dark days and nights draw in.

The last thing you want to be happening to you and your family or your business is to be trying to find someone to install a new furnace when temperatures are way below zero and there is several feet of snow on the ground.

Just because everything is working now, don’t bank on that fact that it will be working when the bad weather hits. It will pay you to be prepared, particularly if you live in an area that suffers severe winters. Now is the time to get your home winter proofed. Firstly there is the obvious stuff like walking around the house and making sure there is no cracking of cement or missing brick work that may let water and damp inside and cause damage. Will the roof withstand another winter of heavy snow? Are the window seals all in order? Are the drains clear and are the pipes insulated to prevent freezing and bursting in extreme temperatures?

Is your furnace getting old or perhaps it was breaking down regularly last winter? Have you thought about scheduling a maintenance visit with your local HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) expert? They will be able to carry out crucial winter checks, service your furnace, and identify whether you need to replace your old furnace.

Carrying out furnace installation work now when you don’t need to heat the house or the office just yet is a sensible option so you are not left without heat in the depths of winter.

Buying and installing a furnace is a big investment, so it is crucial you do your homework and it is important you get the right team in to carry out the work. It is not a decision you want to be forced into making quickly at short notice and without the time to do some thorough research first. It may end up costing more, you might end up getting the wrong system for your home or office or you may end up just having to use the company that has availability rather than the company with the best credentials.

Which furnace is the best?

There are different types of furnaces, so firstly you need to decide which one you require?

Electric furnaces have the lowest upfront costs, but they are more suitable to areas where the temperatures are not as cold because electricity costs can escalate if it is used excessively. Though, on the plus side, electric furnaces are more energy efficient.

Gas furnaces are probably the most popular type of furnace. They are more expensive to install than electric furnaces, but they are more cost efficient on a month by month basis. They are extremely efficient as they heat homes very quickly, but they need regular maintenance check to ensure they are safe and working correctly.

Then there are oil furnaces. These are not as popular these days as oil prices fluctuate too much and people need space for the storage tank. But oil is really cost effective as the fuel tank is filled up once a quarter or a couple of time a year.

If you are not sure which is the best furnace for you, then you can talk to your local HVAC experts. They can actually carry out something called a Load Test. This looks at the size of the house, how many rooms you have, your location, which windows are installed in your house and what foundation your house is built on. All of this will impact on how you heat your house and this will influence the type of furnace you opt for.  By carrying out a Load Test, you can save yourself money as you won’t be investing in a system that is too big for inappropriate for your home.

A huge benefit in getting a new furnace is that it will be under warranty for between five and 10 years. It all depends who you buy through, but it means

How much does it cost?

Furnace installation costs can range from $2,500 to $8,000. It all depends on the type of system you use, if the installation is an easy fit and the location you live in. If extensive duct work or modifications to your house and where the system will be fitted, then the costs will be higher. The great thing is that most systems can be fitted in a day or one and half days, so you won’t have to wait long.

How do you know when you need to replace your furnace?

There are many factors that will be signs that your furnace will need replacing. If your energy bills are rising, then that might be a sign that the system is not working efficiently. Of course, if it is old, then it will be something to consider. Another sign is if you notice dust, soot or rust particle building up in your home when you have the furnace turned on. If you are finding there is a humidity problem in the house, then it could be the furnace. If you notice that rooms are not heating evenly – one room might be a lot colder or hotter than another. If the furnace becomes noisy, then that is a sign it needs to be looked at and might need replacing. And finally, if you have found yourself having to lay out for lots of repairs, then you might want to consider a new furnace.

Can I install my own furnace?

Furnace installation is a highly specialist job that requires trained experts with the correct permits. If a furnace is not installed correctly it could be extremely dangerous for you and your family. It is highly recommended that you speak to your local HVAC specialist and get expert advice on installing the furnace in your home.