How Does Siding Installation Work?

Vinyl siding has become the most popular siding material for homeowners. It has many benefits, which include easy installation and long life. Vinyl siding requires less maintenance than other materials, and it can significantly improve the look of your home at the same time. Once you have found reliable siding contractors, it is time to prepare for the installation. Understanding the process, while working together with quality professionals, will help you achieve your goals and ensure great results.

Siding is a great way to enhance the appearance of your home. Siding gives your house a beautiful new look, helps improve energy efficiency, and can add value to the property. Siding installation generally take approximately 10 to 14 days and includes removal of current siding, prep work, insulation and siding installation with final touches.

How to prepare your home

Before your siding is installed, contractors will want to make sure that your home’s exterior is clear of any obstructions. This includes items like plants, flowers, or gardens; tools or equipment; and any furniture. Make sure all items are moved away from the home’s exterior area before installation begins.

When replacing your siding, it is important to be aware of the work that will be happening around your property. You may experience some structural or aesthetic changes as a result of the project, such as interior walls that creak or shake when workers drive their trucks around, or dirt and debris falling from the roof. Please wait for the construction workers to leave for the day before you enter your home.

Old siding removal

While your original siding is being removed, your construction team will inspect the walls to look for signs of water damage and rot.

Wall preparation

Your contractor will assess and repair the integrity of your wall so your siding can be installed securely. This can include caulking and bracing, which will help ensure that your siding lasts longer.

Adding insulation

Once your old siding is removed, insulation will be installed to make sure your home stays snug and warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

New siding installation

New siding installation starts with a thorough inspection, followed by the installation of new siding. If your siding needs painting, this will also take a few more days.

Things That May Impact the Success of the Installation

Rot, water damage, and asbestos

Asbestos is a toxic, heat-resistant material. Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify all problems before removing the old siding. Once the old siding is removed, you may need to make immediate repairs. This could add costs of removal and repair to the work.

Sheathing repair

Your contractor will often find that the sheathing under your siding has been damaged. Whether this is caused by moisture, exposure to the sun, or insects and pests, you’re left with a lot of holes that need to be patched.