Seven Effective Ways to Succeed as an Architect

Architects handle simple to complex projects and are held to high standards by clients. From developing competency in math, physical science, engineering, design, software, building materials and codes to mastering soft skills such as creativity, communication skills and perseverance, there are many skills architects need to succeed in their career.

While no professional intends for mistakes to happen, at times there are unfortunate incidents that can lead to a delay, budget deviation or poor-quality work. Many times, negligence or malpractice lawsuits arise as a result of a mismatch in client expectations. Irrespective of the nature of the mistake, the cost of defending against such lawsuits can create a huge dent in both your finances and reputation. Professional Liability insurance protects you against these risks by covering defense expenses, settlements and judgments with respect to the claim.

Whether you specialize in interior design, landscape architecture, project management or other related fields in architecture, securing your business with architect professional liability insurance is the first step to boost your career. Check BizInsure to find more about professional liability insurance for architects.

Seven ways to boost your architect career

Create a comprehensive portfolio
Create a comprehensive portfolio: A strong portfolio is the greatest tool to boost your career as an architect. Whether you have just started your career, or have been on the path for a while, an impressive portfolio showcases what you are capable of. Ensure your portfolio is unique, contains your best work, and stands out from the rest of the portfolios that are seen by your prospective clients and employers on a daily basis.

Upgrade. With rapid evolution happening in the world of architecture, design, construction and technology, it is important to stay updated on the current trends in the industry. Taking up additional professional courses, attending workshops and conferences are some ways to keep yourself updated. Upgrading also involves being able to use the latest software and other tools.

Learn more languages. Learning one or more foreign languages can help you boost your career as an architect. Geographical boundaries are fast dissolving thanks to globalization, internet connectivity, and communication. Collaborating with their colleagues abroad on projects is a great way to get ahead in your career.

Network for success: According to NCARB ( National Council of Architectural Registration Boards), about 70 percent of new jobs are found through networking. One of the most effective ways to network is to join professional groups such as the American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) and National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA). These organizations not only help you connect with other professionals, but foster professional development continued education and peer mentoring.
Seek mentors
Seek mentors: Working with mentors who have the roles and skills that you are aiming for will help foster your development. Mentors can facilitate your career advancement by acting as your advisor, connecting you with peers or prospective clients, and answering your queries.

Differentiate yourself: It is important for you to develop and showcase your unique abilities and skills that sets you apart from your competitors.

Invest in social media marketing. More than a million people are monthly active users of social media platforms such as Facebook while 40 million businesses promote their business on the platform. In the digital age, familiarity with social media network and marketing is one of the most crucial skills that can help architects take their career to the next level. Hiring a social media marketing expert can help you create awareness of your architect firm and attract more clients.

Additionally, professional platforms such as Archello and Houzz are great marketing tools for architects. Adding high-quality professional photographs, describing the images, and creating a concise profile on these platforms will help you draw the attention of more clients.
Champion the cause of sustainability
Champion the cause of sustainability: With growing concerns over the environmental impact of carbon emissions, the spotlight on energy efficient ‘green’ building designs is here to stay. Whether you are an established professional or just starting out in this field, it is important to get LEED certification. There are two LEED accreditation levels; LEED AP and LEED Green Associate. While LEED Green Associates have up-to-date, documented understanding of the latest green building practices and principles, LEED AP is an advanced qualification. Being well versed in sustainable design and LEED will ensure you are a step ahead of your competitors.