How to Prevent Fire Risks in Your Commercial Property?

No commercial area property owner wants to go through fire damage in their property. Fire damage in the building is very scary and costs thousands of dollars to repair. Moreover, you can lose all the income of your business if the fire damage gets severe and prohibits anyone for weeks or months to get back to your property.

If your property is damaged by fire and smoke you should go for insurance and consult with your disaster management professionals. The emergency team will help you to stabilize the property. Make a call and allow professionals to handle further damage, remove dangerous objects, and install fire prevention tools. The sooner you start to repair the fire damage the quicker you can recover, and get yourself out of problems.

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Reduce Fire Risk

There are different reasons and possibilities for a dangerous fire to start in commercial properties. Fire can start inside or outside of the building if you overlook the proper management of your building. Keep your flammable materials in a safe place and make sure you check out every hazard area.

There will be several factors that you should be careful of, such as electrical problems, poorly managed machines, careless cooking, reckless candle usage, smoking, and improper usage of combustible materials. Educate your tenants about fire risk and how they can be prevented when the risk arises. If you find any significant error anywhere in the property function fix it as soon as possible.

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Install and Maintain Safety Equipment

If you don’t take any action quickly to prevent the fire quickly then it will spread to the whole area very fast. Install fire alarms and sprinkler systems to the whole area to eliminate fire damage and give you a signal whenever an accident takes place. Inspect the systems in your area regularly and install the right fire extinguishers. Make sure you have equipped the right lifesaving systems that are updated and working correctly.

Make Fire Emergency Strategy

Make sure you have created a safe escape route so that whenever danger or fire hazards take place people can exit quickly. You should check how many tenants you have in the building and make an emergency plan. Review and update these safety measures with your tenants. A fire drill can be tiresome for tenants but its users will be grateful if a fire takes place.

Practice exit plans with your tenants and makes sure emergency doors are perfectly signed and lighted. Make sure your building has at least two exit routes and the stairwell has no blockage.

Reduce Clutter

Keep your commercial property clutter-free as much as possible. Remove all the piles of boxes, papers, and other unusable materials that can only make the fire spread. Ensure your tenants about the safety of fire risk. Keep the electrical device( microwaves, toasters, blender, coffeemaker) away from paper or other fuel sources. Also, keep your electrical plugs away from water. Make sure your computer has enough space to circulate steam air all over the area and stays cool. To make your building clutter-free follow these steps:

  • Flammable debris such as trash, wood, paper, rags, boxes needs to be kept in the proper space of your building. You need to store them in a solid container and make them airtight.
  • Flammable liquids need to be kept outside of your building and securely locked.

Ensure Your Tenants are Aware Of Fire Risks

Train your tenants on fire security and make them aware of the risk. Some tips can minimize injury and property damage:

  1. Assign someone to check all the smoke detectors, sprinkle systems,s and fire extinguishers regularly. Your inspector will inspect and make sure they are updated and working fine whenever hazardous situations arise.
  2. Learn to use a fire extinguisher correctly. To do that accurately aim at the base of the fire, squeeze the handle and spray all over the area. For safety, the fire extinguisher should be kept in the escape route so that you can use that quickly and allow a quick escape if the fire does not stop.
  3. If anyone’s cloth or hair catches fire, prepare them so that they do not panic in this situation. You should caution people not to run when they catch fire. It only makes the condition worse and might burn more intensely. Train them to drop and roll to stop the fire or take a wool blanket and cover themself with it to stop the fire.
  4. Call the gas company to investigate if you see trouble in the gas lines. If you do not check on your gas problems that might result in serious fire damage all over the building.
  5. If you are accidentally trapped inside, close the door to prevent fire smoke, block the gaps with wet clothes, and cover your face with a wet towel.
  6. If the small fire becomes out of control to stop and starts to spread evacuate everyone from the building and call 911 to prevent the damage immediately.
  7. Ensure your commercial area has fire insurance to help with your fire damage.

Stabilize the Fire Damaged Areas

If your commercial property is destroyed by fire you can take specific steps to stabilize the damaged area. First, be sure that you can enter the damaged space.

  • Restore HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) filters.
  • Place a wet towel on the walking path to prevent soot and ash trapped in areas.
  • Place a double layer of cheesecloths to get rid of soot and ash from the air and to avoid the soot and smoke inhalation.
  • Avoid using electrical machines in the fire-damaged area to avoid the risk of getting an electrical shock.
  • Have a consultation with fire restoration professionals to give you knowledge about the problems, provide you with the necessary advice, and educate you further about the prevention process.

Most of the commercial area has reported on fire damage because they overlooked the matter of fire risk. So, you must be prepared with fire detection equipment and a fire extinguisher on each floor of your building.