How to Remove Mold from Your Roof

Have you noticed black mold-like stains and streaks appearing on your roof recently? Then you are experiencing mold on your roof.

So, what is responsible for the mold on your roof and how can you get rid of it, and keep it away? 

In this article, we will explain all of that, so read on.

A lot of people try refrain from tile roof and head towards installing metal roofs in Sydney to avoid mould. First, the black mold-looking stuff or stains and streaks that you see on your roof, mostly light-colored asphalt shingles are actually blue-green algae that is more commonly found in climates that have humid, warm summers.

Do these algae do any damage to your roof? No, it does not damage your roof, but it looks bad.

And a moldy roof can give off a bad impression of you.

How do you go about removing these dirty and ugly-looking mold form your roof?

Well, you could replace all your roofing shingles with new shingles that are dark enough to disguise the staining.

That would only make sense however, if the shingles are worn.

You can go for something that’s less expensive. Simply spray wash your roof with a 50% mix of water and bleach to get rid of the algae. 

Do not pressure wash it. This can damage your shingles.

Just wet your foundation plantings first and rinse off everything with clean water when you are done.

Bleach can be harmful to your plants, so wetting them with water first can keep them safe.

How do you keep the mold away?

Well, insert 6-inch wide strips of zinc or copper under the row of shingling nearest to the roof peak. Make sure to leave an inch or two of the lower edge exposed to the weather.

What this does is that some of the metal molecules will wash down when it rains, killing any algae that tries to stay on your shingles.

That is a summary of what this article is about, now let’s talk about it in details.

Having molds on your roof or under your shingles can be quite irritating to the eye. The first step to take when you notice you have this ugly intruder is to get a thorough mold inspection in your attic to determine the full extent of the mold infestation on your roof.

Like we have said before, a moldy roof is made up of algae, mold and moss.

This is why the molds look that way: alga is slimy green, black or blue-green streaks, while mosses are tiny plants. Molds are usually from your attic.

Mold growth is often an indicator of the presence of roof leaks.

There are different ways to go about cleaning or removing moss from your roof, but here, we will share tips that you will find extremely helpful in removing mold from your roof.

1. Go for safety first

Cleaning the roof is very risky. Most people understand this, and decide to employ the services of a professional roof repair company for better results.

However, if you do decide to clean your roof yourself, to remove the mold from your roof, make sure that you secure yourself in a harness. This will keep you safe since you have to climb the roof to clean it.

2. Avoid pressure Washers

You must resist the temptation to use pressure washers unless of course you are ready to replace your shingles with new ones. Pressure washers are easier to use when cleaning your roof to remove the mold, but they can damage your shingles.

Instead of risking your shingles being damages by using pressure washers, go for a hose attached with a nozzle instead.

3. Use 50% Water and 50% Bleach

If you decide to clean your roof to remove the mold form it, then you will need to spray wash the roof. You must pay attention to what you use in getting this done. We recommend that you go for one-part water and one-part bleach to clean off the algae.

4. Let it sit for a While

After you spray wash the roof to rid it of the mold with one-part water and one-part bleach, you have to give it some time. This will ensure that the chemical does the job of getting at every stubborn streak of stain or mold that might refuse to get off.

Usually, you should let it sit for at least one hour (60 minutes) before rinsing it off.

5. Consider How Serious Your Mold Condition is

Sometimes, you may find that the condition of your roof cannot be fixed with a water and bleach solution. You can use trisodium phosphate if that is the case. Use a cup of it for every gallon of water you use for the wash spraying.

6. Look out for Other Commercial Solutions

There are a lot of cleaning solutions available in the market. Note the labels you pick and ensure you use the right products for your roof.

While it is okay to do this yourself, getting the services of a professional roofing company is still the best thing to do.

You can contact us for your roof and gutter installation in Sydney.