Prevent Your Dog From Escaping the Yard With These Useful Garden Design Tips

It’s no secret that dogs love to run. And for the most part, they’re pretty good at staying within the confines of their yard. But sometimes, even the best-behaved dog can find a way to escape – usually by digging under or jumping over the fence. However, with a little know-how, you can keep your dog safely in the backyard.

Keeping your dog inside the yard is not only a way to keep them safe, but to keep other people safe as well. If your dog gets scared, it can lash out, which could cause harm to other people or pets. And since it’s your pet, Corban Gunn, Attorney at Law states that your negligence would be the cause of other people’s injuries or other damages. 

Here are some garden design tips to make sure you’re doing everything you can to minimize escape possibilities.

Install A Fence

The most obvious line of defense is a fence. However, it’s important to install the fence properly so your dog can’t dig underneath or jump over it. A good rule of thumb is to have the bottom of the barrier extend six inches below ground level, and to have the top of the barrier extend 48 inches above ground level. That way, your dog can’t dig out from underneath it and they won’t be able to jump over it. 

Hopefully, a fence will be able to prevent this from happening. However, not every fence is suitable for keeping the dog inside. Let’s go over some of the best materials for fences.

Solid Wood

This is one of the most popular materials for a fence, especially in rural areas. Solid wood is durable, looks great, and is easy to install. However, it does give the most visibility of all fencing materials – that can be both a pro or con depending on your perspective. 

Solid wood fences are also available in pressure-treated forms, which adds durability at the cost of aesthetics. Another benefit of pressure-treated solid wood is that it requires no painting or staining, which saves you time and money.

Chain-Link Fences

Steel chain-link fencing is also a very popular choice for containing dogs. This type of fence comes in many sizes, heights, and styles, so there’s sure to be something that will meet your needs and blend into your backyard. 

A chain link fence also has the benefit of the dog being able to see out. As dogs can be territorial, being able to see out will help reduce your dog’s anxiety and the risk of them jumping the fence. 

Have a Hedge

If you don’t want to install a physical fence, then consider growing a hedge around the perimeter of your yard. A hedge will provide the same type of containment for your dog – but it doesn’t have any of the risks that come with using an invisible fence. 

Other design ideas

Increase the fence height

One way to prevent your dog from escaping the yard is to increase the height of an existing fence. This can be done by adding an extension to the fence or by installing a taller fence altogether. If you have a wooden fence, you can also install a fence extension to make it taller.

The minimum height for a fence to help prevent the dog from escaping is 6ft. Increasing the height of the fence will also provide you with security and privacy, it’s certainly worth considering. 

Eliminate booster steps

If your dog is adept at jumping over the fence, one way to prevent them from doing so is to remove any booster steps that they may use to help them get over the fence. Booster steps are typically located close to the fence and provide a boost for the dog to reach the top of the fence. 

Some common booster steps are a raised flower bed, a children’s playset, or a porch. If your dog is using any of these objects to help them jump over the fence, consider removing them or putting them out of reach. 

Place wire at the bottom of the fence

This will create a barrier that will stop the dog from getting under the fence. You can either do this yourself or have a professional install it for you. Something simple like chicken wire will do the job. 

Place the chicken wire at the bottom of the garden fence and below ground level. This will stop your pesky little pooch from digging and running away and getting into all sorts of mischief.

Install a coyote roller

A coyote roller is a device that’s mounted on top of the fence and will force the dog to fall back into the yard, should they try to climb the fence. It’s a simple solution that can be installed fairly easily and it’s a great way to keep your dog inside.

It will also be an effective aid for keeping wild animals out of your garden, keeping your family and pets safe. 

Remove anything that may aid climbing

There are a variety of different things that your dog may use to help them climb over the fence and escape your yard. 

Some of these items may include:

  • Garden gnomes
  • Lawn ornaments
  • Trees or bushes close to the fence

Install a secured double gate

If you have an existing single gate, consider installing a double gate. A double gate is more secure and it will make it harder for your dog to escape. Double gates are also ideal if you have a smaller pet that may be able to fit through the fence opening.

Double gates are a great option if you have a large yard and you want to make sure that your dog can’t escape. A double gate is secure and it will make it harder for your dog to push it open and get out. 

Installing a fence or having a hedge are both great ways to prevent your dog from escaping the yard. However, these aren’t perfect solutions and you still need to take some precautions. Make sure to always supervise your dog when they’re in the backyard and provide them with plenty of attention and exercise. Additionally, be sure to teach them what they can and can’t do in the yard so they understand their boundaries.

Dogs are adventurous by nature. They love to explore and have fun, often getting into trouble in the process. Whether your dog is a Houdini escape artist that manages to scale over fences or jumps them effortlessly with little effort, there’s no shortage of ways for you to keep him safely contained within the confines of your yard.