Pros And Cons Of Selling Your House With A Real Estate Agent

When you’re considering selling your home, there are many routes to consider, and some of them may not be best suited for your specific circumstances. There are websites that offer cash in hand for your home after an appraisal. The off-market sales option could also be availed, as well as the traditional route of hiring a real estate agent to help you with the process. It really comes down to what you think is best for you and may vary based on how well the market is doing at that time because it may take you longer than you expect to sell your home.

If selling via the online source interests you, then it can be as simple as jumping on your computer and searching ‘New Jersey house buyers’ or where you currently live as there are likely home buyers in any given area. But if you’re looking to hire a real estate agent, then it might be beneficial to assess the pros and cons so you could make a solid decision to benefit you in the long run. 

The Pros Of Getting A Real Estate Agent

When you’re contemplating hiring a real estate agent, it may be best to go online and read through the reviews, as these will tell you a lot about an individual and their practice. Here are some pros of hiring one.

  • They Can Handle The Paperwork

One pro of hiring a real estate agent is they could handle a majority of the paperwork. That way, you can focus on getting your house ready to sell and view potential new properties. If this individual is experienced, they could run things smoothly without close supervision until they need your signature. 

  • Knowledge Of The Market

Hiring an experienced real estate agent might be a good move, considering they would likely have a better idea of how the market looks at a given time and how to set the accurate asking price for your property. They would also know what’s trending at a certain period. Having that resource can prove to be quite valuable as you move through the process. 

With that kind of knowledge of the market, these professionals can save you the headache of conducting tours of your home and give prospective buyers plenty of information that may help sway their decision in your favor.

  • Networking Connections

It pays to know people, and if you hire an excellent real estate agent, they will likely have several connections, whether it’s contractors to help with certain home repairs, legal counsel to help go over paperwork legalities, or general resources you can contact. On the off chance that you have a question they can’t directly answer, they likely have someone on hand who can respond in a manner that makes sense to you.

  • They Can Negotiate For You

If you’re unsure of how to negotiate on your property or one you’re interested in, this is where your real estate agent can step in and help. If you let the agent take control of the negotiations, you might see a growth in the potential profit or obtain a lower asking price on the property you’re eyeing.

The Cons Of Getting A Real Estate Agent

Regardless of how you look at it, there will always be the other side of the coin. The cons weigh just as evenly as the pros. Here are a few of them which may become a deciding factor for you.

  • Commission

If you decide to hire a real estate agent, they come with a price tag. Depending on the rate this person charges based on the sale, there’s the off chance that this can take a chunk out of your overall sum from the sale. This is where you might want to shop around and acquire different quotations from several agents. But keep in mind, you get what you pay for—and sometimes, if it’s too good to be true, it might just be.

  • Attention

Depending on how busy your real estate agent is with other clients, their attention would always be divided. In some cases, the sale of your property might suffer as a result. 

So, if you’re mulling over hiring an agent, make sure to choose one who could give your property the attention it deserves and won’t neglect you in any fashion. It’s understandable if they’re busy with other clients. But if your sale is suffering because they can’t return your calls, then it may be time to move on.

  • Dealing With A Go-between

Depending on how the negotiations are handled, it may turn out to be a game of callbacks. What you tell your agent has to go through to the other agent (if the other party has hired one), then to their client, and it all repeats once their agent has been given an answer. This type of communication can be confusing and rather irritating if not done correctly, like a miscommunication that could prove vital to the sale.

  • You Are Subject To Their Time

Much like their attention is divided among their clients, this will also mean that their time is divided as well. Their sense of urgency might not fit into yours and can prove quite challenging to work with in the long run, especially if they can’t give you ample attention because they’re so focused on other matters. This can prove to be a problem with real estate agents.

Weighing It All

In the end, how you go about hiring a real estate agent is entirely up to you. You can go without one and see how you do, or give it a shot right off the bat. While there are disadvantages to hiring a real estate agent, there are also advantages to consider. It all boils down to what you think is best for you and your property.

Selling any property is no easy feat, so it can be beneficial to have professional help on the matter. It might just take more time to sell a house depending on their schedule. It’s worth keeping in mind that while one real estate agent is not working out, that doesn’t mean the next will result in the same. No one knows your needs better than you do, so be prepared to weigh heavily on the matter when considering hiring a real estate agent.