The Different Types of Swimming Pools You Can Build in Your Home

If you’re considering installing a swimming pool in your backyard, choosing the right Phoenix, AZ inground pool builder is essential. With over 10 million residential swimming pools across the country, many homeowners enjoy their pools for exercise, relaxation, and family fun, especially during the summer months. Partnering with a skilled inground pool builder in Phoenix, AZ ensures that you’ll create a beautiful and functional oasis that enhances your outdoor living space.

If you want to put a swimming pool into place, you should start by learning about the types of swimming pools that are available. You might be surprised to see how many different kinds of swimming pools you can pick from.

By learning about the various types of pools, you’ll put yourself into a much better position to buy one. You’ll also ensure that you and your family are able to make the most of your new pool from the second you first have it installed. Here are six of the most popular swimming pool types.

Traditional Inground Swimming Pool

Close your eyes and picture a swimming pool in your mind. There’s a very good chance that the pool you just pictured is the one that we’re about to describe to you.

The first pool that we want to talk about is the traditional inground swimming pool. It’s a pool that is specifically designed for a residential backyard and is used by families for swimming.

Inground swimming pools can be made out of any number of different materials. Some of the most common materials used to create these types of swimming pools are:

  • Concrete
  • Vinyl
  • Fiberglass

You really can’t go wrong with a traditional inground pool. You can have this kind of pool made into almost any shape, and it can also be whatever size you want it to be when it’s all finished.

Above-Ground Pool

While traditional inground swimming pools are great for families looking for a pool, they’re not always in everyone’s budget. If you’re going to install an inground pool in your backyard, you’re going to need to be ready to pour a decent amount of money into it.

If you can’t afford to purchase an inground pool, an above-ground pool is going to be the next best thing. It’ll give you and your family a chance to splish-splash around in the pool on hot days—without breaking the bank.

Above-ground pools take up a lot less room than inground pools, too, and they’re often easier to maintain. You should consider getting one if an inground pool just isn’t an option for one reason or another.

Lap Pool

Is your plan to use your swimming pool to do laps and get exercise? Then you should look into having what’s called a lap pool installed in your backyard.

Lap pools are usually rectangular pools that are at least 50 feet long, if not longer. This provides people with plenty of room to swim laps and get the exercise they’re looking for.

At the same time, lap pools are great for those who have backyard lots that are on the narrower side. They’re not the perfect choice for those looking to use their pool to entertain. But you’ll love your lap pool if you enjoy swimming as your primary form of exercise.

Infinity Pool

If you want the pool that you put into your backyard to take peoples’ breath away when they see it, you might want to consider going with an infinity pool. Infinity pools are some of the most beautiful pools that you’ll find today.

An infinity pool will make it appear as though your pool is falling right off your property. These pools are excellent options for those who live on hills as well as those who have backyards that offer great views. So, if you are thinking of making one, then you can quickly get in touch with Selective designs to create a beautiful infinity pool for you.

It’s worth noting that infinity pools are not usually cheap. They have to be completely customized from start to finish, which is why they often cost a lot of money.

But once they’re finished, they’re some of the most beautiful pools on the planet. They’ve started to become more popular over the years, especially among those who want to install breathtaking pools in their backyards.

Architectural Pool

Is your goal to design a pool for your backyard that looks like a work of art? If so, then you’re going to want to go with an architectural pool over all the other pool types.

Much like infinity pools, architectural pools are custom-built and have a more sophisticated appearance than almost any other kind of pool. They tend to feature clean lines and are often designed in the same style as the house that they sit outside of.

An architectural pool is going to cost you a pretty penny. But once it’s finished, you’ll see that every dollar you spent on it was well worth it. These pools will help to enhance any backyard space and make it an extension of your gorgeous home.

Indoor Pool

If you live in a place that gets very cold in the wintertime or a place that has a lot of bugs swarming around throughout the summer months, an outdoor swimming pool might not work well for you. You’ll be much better off installing an indoor pool in your backyard.

Indoor pools look a lot like traditional inground pools. But the big difference between those types of pools and these pools is that these pools have some kind of covering over them. It makes it easier to use them when it’s cold outside or when there are too many bugs for people to take.

Invest in One of These Types of Swimming Pools Today

Ready to start building a new swimming pool in your backyard? Before you can begin, you should weigh your options and decide which of these types of swimming pools would work best for you.

Whether you go with a traditional inground swimming pool, an above-ground swimming pool, or an architectural swimming pool, you can find a pool that you’ll love when it’s done. It’ll transform the look and feel of your backyard space and give your family a place to hang out.

Browse through our blog for more great articles on swimming pools.