Time To Call A Residential Electrician? 8 Reasons To Upgrade Your Electric Panel

Your home’s electrical system has an integral role in the comfort, safety, and efficiency of your home. Since the panel is the core of your electrical system, its maintenance is critical.

An electrical panel is the metal box typically installed in the basement or outside your house. Inside this box are circuit breakers and fuses that control the electricity that flows throughout your home.

However, there’s a specific situation that can cause your current electrical panel to fail or become unreliable. If this happens, your home’s wiring could be compromised. That’s why it’s crucial to call a residential electrician from Naracoorte.

residential electrician in Riverstone can inspect your current electrical system and tell you if an upgrade is needed. No worries, though, since most electrical companies like Milwaukee Electrical Service Panel Upgrade offer a free consultation for the service.

In some cases, an electrician may recommend updating your electrical panel even if there are no apparent problems. The following are eight reasons why you might want to upgrade your electrical panel:

1. Outdated Panel

If you have an obsolete electrical panel, they might deliver electricity to your home at a lower amperage, making some appliances not operate properly.

The aged panel could also cause short circuits and faulty wiring. When this happens, you’re not only compromising your family’s safety but increasing energy costs. It might lead to more frequent repairs and an increased risk of fire.

Upgrading to a modern electrical panel is the most cost-effective way to protect your home from dangerous system malfunctions and increase your energy efficiency.

2. Inadequate Circuits

If there are worn or outdated circuits, they could be incapable of handling heavy load requirements such as those needed for electric stoves, ovens, and heating or air conditioning units.

In addition, you might find that some new appliances aren’t compatible with your home’s existing wiring and electrical system, which can lead to overheating and circuit overloads.

A qualified electrician will inspect the amperage of every circuit in the panel and recommend any upgrades that may be necessary. This can ensure all of your appliances work appropriately without compromising your family’s safety.

3. Upgraded Appliances

If you have high technology appliances like game consoles, flat-screen TVs, computers, and more, your house needs more power than it did when you had outdated items.

To avoid circuit overloads and short circuits, you need to have the proper wiring for your new appliances. If not, they may become damaged from overheating or experience a fire hazard.

For example, newer model refrigerators need higher voltage power lines to run efficiently. An upgrade can ensure that these appliances work at their peak performance levels which helps lower energy usage which will help reduce your overall electrical costs.

4. Flickering Lights

If your lights flicker when you turn on major appliances, this could signify that the power is too low or inconsistent. It could also mean that you have loose connections in your electrical panel.

This circumstance may result in decreased performance from computers and other high technology equipment, which can cause them to overheat due to lack of proper ventilation.

To protect yourself from further damage to these appliances, call a residential electrician to inspect the circuitry of your home’s electrical system and recommend any necessary upgrades. Closing a circuit can help prevent short circuits and possible fire hazards.

5. Warm And Buzzing Electrical Plugs

If your electrical plugs feel warm or you notice they’re making a buzzing sound, it’s a sign that you have an electrical problem.

It’s best to have your entire panel inspected as this may signify that you have too much load or have a short circuit. In either case, it’s essential to address the problem as soon as possible to prevent further damage and potential fire hazards. This situation may require the replacement of the entire circuit breaker panel.

6. Insurance Issues

If your home is older and doesn’t have up-to-date safety features, your insurance company may not provide coverage in the event of a fire.

Home insurance is one way to help offset some of these costs, but a policy typically excludes damage resulting from faulty wiring.

With that said, the age of your electrical system has a significant impact on the cost of your insurance premiums.

That’s why it’s vital to ensure that your home’s electrical system is up to date and working correctly. Not only will this help protect your family and your home, but it may also help keep your insurance premiums from rising.

7. Partial Power Outages

Power interruption is typical during extreme weather conditions. However, if you’re experiencing a frequent power outage that lasts only from a few seconds to minutes, this may be an indicator of an electrical problem.

A residential electrician can help identify the problem and take corrective action to prevent further interruption. And the first thing they’ll check is your electrical panel to see if it’s overloaded.

They may also need to upgrade your electrical system to ensure that your home can handle the increased demand for electricity. Having a regular electrical maintenance schedule will help you avoid these problems.

8. Increase Your Property Value

Aside from your home’s safety and functionality, you may also want to consider upgrading your electrical system for financial reasons.

Newer electrical system components are more efficient and can help reduce your electricity usage, enabling you to save money.

It’s an excellent idea to have these upgrades done before putting your home on the market. Not only will it make your home more attractive to potential buyers, but it may also help you sell it for a higher price.

Final Thoughts

An electrical panel may not be glamorous, but upgrading yours is one of the best things you can do for your home. This is because having an updated electrical system in your home is a safety precaution and protects the value of your investment.

With many options available for residential electric services, it may seem like a daunting task. This job requires professional expertise, especially in rewiring and infrastructure installation. So, hiring the right electrician will ensure the job is done correctly.