Tips and Tricks to Maintain Your Generator in Winter

Whenever winter comes, heavy storms occur, and your power may shut down due to a blackout. As a result, you might need to rely on a good generator. If your temperature is below zero and at that moment accidentally your generator shuts down, it will be a pretty horrible time for you.

Just like other electrical equipment, you also need to maintain your generator. If you maintain and fix your generator before winter, it will help you stay warm when the power goes out. It will save you money and time if you do a little bit of maintenance on your generator.

Kruger generators can assure your safety in the winter. It has advanced technology and a power alternator built into each cabinet, so it’s a good choice. Here are some ways to keep your generator in good shape during the winter. The team of energy experts is more than happy to help you maintain your generator in the winter.

Maintain Fuel and Fluids

You need to check on your fluids; this is essential for your generator. There are some important fluids that help your generator run properly. Check on your fluids once or twice a year.

You might need to check your fuel. If you don’t do that, it can jam your generator’s fuel line. If a generator is overused, then it’ll accumulate all kinds of material deposits. If this step is neglected, it may cause some serious damage to the generator.
Maintain Fuel and Fluids
Here are some rules you need to keep in mind for your generator fuel. Also, don’t forget to look it up in your manual.

  1. First, take a container for your old fuel.
  2. Open up your fuel cap to get airflow.
  3. Locate the fuel lines and fuel valve. ( you might need to switch it)
  4. Turn off your gas valve.
  5. Switch of the lines that are not connected with gas lines.
  6. Put the valve into the container and turn it on to clear the fuel.
  7. Connect your fuel line.
  8. Find the carburetor and fitting that cleared this part.
  9. Place the container below of carburetor and clear the rest of the fuel.
  10. Connect the fitting into the carburetor.

After clearing all the fuel, you can change the oil in your generator. You can do it after 3–4 uses. This way, you can prevent damage to your generator in the future. Read below to learn the steps for changing the oil in the generator.

  1. Put your generator in a table and place a container under the oil line of it.
  2. Turn on your generator and start draining the oil into the container.
  3. After that fill-up fluid in the generator.
  4. Change caps and fittings.
  5. Start the generator to get oil in the carburetor.

You might want to check your generator after changing fluids. You can use a fuel stabilizer for this. It helps prevent oxidation and chemical failure. When you use a stabilizer to check the generator, you can be sure that the solution and fuel have been mixed well.

Parts and Moving Pieces

In the generator, there are a lot more moving parts. You need to look up every part when you are going to start a generator. It’s easy to maintain and repair a generator. Just a little more research, and you can fix it on your own. Here are some things you need to look up before winter.

  1. Spark Plugs: – A spark plug is a tiny part that helps the engine to fire up. Be cautious when caring for this part. Unplug it then put in engine oil into the cylinders which should be less than 0.5 ounces. You should do this just to lubricate the engine’s pistons.
  2. The Carburetor: – The Carburetor is infamous for deplorable fuel. It’s another substantial reason to drain the fuel and utilize a stabilizer. You’ll have to inspect and clean the component to ascertain that it is working felicitously.
  3. The Fuel Filter: – The fuel filter can be a problem for your comfortable home. Refer to your owner’s manual on how to modify this filter and how often you should perform that process.
  4. Air Filter: – You will additionally want to do a check on your air filter. This can decide how long your generator will last. The owner’s manual may have details on it but a straightforward renewal may do the job.

Your small concern for your generator can make it run for a long time. Checking every part of a generator can save you time, energy, and even your life in the winter.

Backup and Secure

Backup and Secure
You need to take the necessary steps to be sure that you can use your generator. This is helpful if you live in an area where the weather is unpredictable. The steps are,

  1. A Transfer Switch – In case of an emergency a transfer switch makes your generator easily accessible. By using this part you can connect your mostly needed connections and also the furnace. You will be able to use the furnace even if you don’t have electricity because now you have the generator giving its power. A transfer switch also secures the home.
  2. Strategic Placement of Flashlights – If the power goes out at night, the condition in a darkened house may get serious. But it would be beneficial if you place flashlights around the house in case of load shedding at night. These flashlights should be connected to the generator to power them so you will not have to worry about it.
  3. Turn It on Once a Week – Every machine works well if it’s used regularly. Generators are the same. If a generator is used every week then it must be lubricated perfectly.
  4. Build a Maintenance Kit – A maintenance kit has every important item which may come in handy when needed. It contains oil and spare generator parts. So whenever things go bad, you’ll be prepared to face it.
  5. On-Call Expert – If all of your efforts are not working out and you can’t find any solution by yourself, then you need to keep in contact with an expert. This expert will note the problem you’re facing and fix it as soon as possible. He’ll be very helpful in an emergency situation as well.

This maintenance can take up your valuable time, but it’s worth saving your money for a new one. Make a note for each piece of equipment so you don’t forget to do the maintenance work that needs to be done. Generators will give you long-term power supply if you get caught up in a power outage, so invest in a good quality generator that will ensure your peace of mind.