Top Steps to Take Before You Remodel Your Kitchen

If all the uncertainty in the world right now means that you’re planning to stay put in your current home and renovate, rather than buying a bigger, newer abode, you certainly won’t be alone this year.

To ensure this decision works out for you as well as possible, it’s essential to carefully consider, upfront, the processes you follow for remodel work. Doing this is particularly necessary for costly areas such as the kitchen. There are some concrete steps you should take today, before beginning any renovation work.

Set a Budget

Set a Budget

Firstly, set a budget for the entire project. While people with limited funds especially need to do this to stay on track, even those with unlimited cash for the work should create a budget so they don’t go overboard with their spending.

Once you start renovating, it can be tempting to pay for various things you don’t need. Avoid this by knowing how much all up you feel comfortable investing. When designing your budget, factor in less obvious expenses such as demolition, rubbish removal, insurances, warranties, bank fees if you’re using a loan to complete the work, etc.

Get Clear on Priorities

Before you start ripping out your current kitchen to make way for a new one, get clear on what exactly your priorities and goals are for the renovation. You obviously want to get a lovely new kitchen out of it but think about other more concrete motivations, too.

For instance, perhaps you want a bigger kitchen to cater for your expanding family, or maybe your main goal is to radically increase the amount of storage you have available in your kitchen area. You might also want to open up the cooking zone to the nearby living space, so you have more of an open-plan feel in your home.

Whatever you’re hoping to achieve, write it down before you start the remodel and keep referring to your list as the project proceeds.

Doing this will help you to stay focused and on track.



Do plenty of research before you begin kitchen remodel work, too. For example, regardless of if and when you plan to sell your home, it’s wise to create a new kitchen that will be seen favorably by buyers in your area. If you put in a kitchen that suits the area and works for the target market, your investment will be even more worthwhile long term.

Check out the kitchens in homes that have sold for top dollar recently, and ask real estate brokers in your suburb for tips on what to include and avoid when designing your kitchen. Also, investigate current kitchen trends. This helps with inspiration and ensures you know about all the latest and greatest options for things like appliances and fixtures and fittings.


Planning is also essential. Put a schedule in place for when each job needs to be done so that the project runs as smoothly as possible.

Doing this also means you’re less likely to have to pay extra for tradespeople to wait around or return multiple times if other work isn’t finished in time, enabling them to do their job. Chat with your builder, project manager, or other hired contractor about realistic, workable schedules.

Also, design your new kitchen space carefully. Consider whether you need to change, add, or remove things like windows, walls, or doors, as these elements usually need placing before countertops, cupboards, or appliances.

Design your space in a way that means your new kitchen is user friendly. Plan around the “kitchen triangle,” the sink, fridge, and stove. You want these three things to be close enough to each other that you can move from one to the other smoothly without having to reach or travel too far when cooking or unpacking goods.

Save Money on Supplies

When getting a new kitchen put in, look for ways to save money on supplies such as materials, appliances, and other fixtures and fittings. See if you can repair or clean items you already have in your current set up. For instance, often you can call in a fridge or stove repair person or an electrician, tiler, or plumber to fix appliances, lighting, flooring, or pipes. Do this, and you won’t have to outlay as much money on new products.

Also, before ordering supplies, double-check measurements so you don’t end up with ill-fitting, unusable items or need to reorder products at an additional cost.

A kitchen remodel is a significant and costly project, but it can significantly increase the value of your property and give you an updated room that’s a pleasure to be in and use. If you think and act strategically, and complete key tasks before you begin work, you should soon have the kitchen of your dreams.