Weather Gifts For Gardeners

When it comes to gardening, everything is limited by the weather. You can’t control the elements but could deal with the unpredictable weather conditions in smart ways.

In this article, we’ll be discussing some smart weather gifts for the gardeners; that really would help them produce the best possible garden fighting against versatile weather conditions.

Let’s have a close look at every device and tool and choose according to their gardening needs; for whom you’re looking for gift options-

Soil pH meter

You may know; that some plants, like – wild strawberries, daffodils, blueberries, camellias, rhododendrons, etc prefer acidic soil, whereas lavender, chicory, chickweed, etc are alkaline-lover plants; that grow in alkaline soil.

So, the gardeners often check how acidic your soil actually is before planting anything. Testing the pH level of the soil using kitchen supplies is not easy. It takes lots of time, patience, tools, and ingredients.

You could ease their job by gifting an accurate little gadget; called a soil pH meter. This handy device helps them measure and monitor the soil’s acidic level in no time with ease.

Trust me; your gardener friend or relative will consider your gift a beautiful blessing.

Decorative rain gauge

The gardeners often stay confused about whether or not they should water the plants. The rain gauge will help check the amount of rainfall around your home. Moreover, some experienced gardeners could predict weather-related natural disasters, like – unpredictable storms analyzing rainfall patterns.

Rain gauges are centuries-old tools. Some digital good-looking models are available in the market, though the original design hasn’t altered much. Such digital rain gauges are generally solar-powered; they have LED light indicators, as well, making it easy to read the rainfall ratings from a distance.

Generally, most gardeners have a rain gauge in their lawn or yard, but if your friend or relative likes yard ornaments, look no further than a practical and stylish rain gauge to gift them.

I guarantee you that they would love your gift and rush towards their garden to install it immediately after receiving it.


The passionate gardener often decorates their garden with garden flags, colorful hooks, wind spinners, and soft-sounding wind chimes; that also welcome a few migrant birds, making the place look like heaven.

It is a pretty common mind-blowing scene; some squirrels are hanging on the wind chimes. Some particular wind chimes emit calm and compose sound. The tone and resonance of the sound bring peace to your surrounding environment; would make one’s day; when a person will start the day by listening to such a relaxing tinkling tone.

Besides all, some wind charms purposefully deliver loud sounds to scare away birds and animals; another great benefit of hanging wind chimes in the garden. I believe; wind chimes are such a cute gift that no one can dislike them.


A weathervane is a handy tool; that determines the wind direction as well as helps to predict weather without listening to the forecast of the weather office. The weathervane indicated the direction from where the wind is currently blowing, whereas the quick reversal of the direction indicator points towards low-pressure overhead, which brings storms.

The wind vane or weathervanes are no longer an essential part of a weather station; the farmers and gardeners also started installing this handy tool in their yards and gardens.

If people don’t have a weathervane in their gardens, this tool will be a smart and interesting gift for them.

Weather station

The weather stations are always considered a nice gift for someone who always watches the temperature. And all gardeners are weather enthusiasts. Some quality weather stations track total rainfall, which helps the gardeners decide how much to water their plants.

The outdoor sensor of the weather stations tracks soil temperature; gives you an idea about the best time for planting. Some Internet-connection-enabled sophisticated weather stations allow remotely tracking soil temperatures and alerting you when the weather conditions are right for planting some particular plants. Another benefit of temperature tracking is that gardeners could protect their plants from heavy wind and snowfall.

A weather station could only help the gardeners to give the best possible care to their gardens. If your pocket permits you to gift them a bit pricey items, you must put a reliable weather station into your shopping bag. It alone acts as a thermometer, hygrometer, and barometer; it provides a forecast of temperature, humidity level, and rainfall for the next day.


Growing a good garden with a maximum production of flowers, fruits, and vegetables is not an easy job. It takes a lot of patience, time, and experience. Such handy tools and devices are just a blessing for amateur gardeners.

Hopefully, you’ve also liked our gift ideas for your gardener friend, relatives, or neighbors. If you have any queries on this matter, feel free to comment below.