6 Useful Tips On What To Do With Items You Don’t Use Anymore

Thanks to the advancement of manufacturing, products are available at various prices that are suitable for customers from all walks of life. This enables all of us to get new things for our sweet home more effortlessly. 

However, one day, when looking for something in need in your home or your family decides to move to another accommodation, you may realize your home is swamped with unwanted and unnecessary belongings, which will be overwhelming to tackle. 

Don’t be stressed out anyway. Break the process down, address the clutter little by little, and give your house a fresh look. This article is here to provide you with some ideas to deal with things whose usage is no longer in need. 

6 Ways To Treat Things Not In Need

1. Create A Storage Spot

There are things that you may not need temporarily but will someday or plan on making the decision whether to keep or discard later. To get those things arranged in better order, it is important to find an appropriate place to store them.

The storage spot should not be exposed to extreme heat or humidity like attics, basements, and garages. An interior space that is away from exterior walls and pipes that might burst is an ideal place. If it seems impossible to find a safe environment to keep your things, Mammoth Storage is worth your consideration. No matter what your purpose of saving things is for memories or later usage, you need to keep them in good condition.

2. Sort Things Out 

Not every one of your things should end up in the landfill just because you no longer need them. Take your time and sort through all items and categorize them carefully. If the whole thing seems like an ordeal, you can break the overwhelming task down by starting with one particular space each time. This step will help you determine the most appropriate solution to things you no longer use.

Below are some questions to ask yourself if you are unsure whether to let your things go:

  • Check the expiration dates, expired items, especially ingredients or cosmetic products should be gotten rid of.
  • Have you used that item in the last 6 months? If the answer is no, you can probably make do without it.
  • Are you keeping the items for their sentimental value? Sometimes, we keep things just because of the emotional tie to them particularly when it comes to clothing.
  • If you were shopping right now, would you buy it? Again, if the answer is no, that may mean that it serves no purpose at all. So it’s time to let it go.
  • Does it still fit you? It’s better just to keep items that are suitable for you in both size and style.
  • And last but not least, if a broken thing for which you have always felt guilty and vowed to have them fixed, months later, nothing has changed. That’s a sign that the item is not your priority anymore and you are good without it.

Then, consider whether those things which you finally decide to let go of are still usable. If yes, hand them to someone else by selling, donating, giving away, etc. to make sure not to waste the value of any product. 

3. Organize A Sale

Now that you have sorted your items and figured out that there are a lot of items that no longer suit you but are still in good condition, it’s a great idea to sell them. 

It is not only gratifying to see your old things handed to people who will use and cherish them but exciting to make a little extra money out of items that used to be your treasures.

In that sense, take advantage of social media and online websites to approach more people and speed up your sale. It is advisable to post on groups whose members are relevant to the items you are selling. For instance, join and post in groups of mothers if you are trying to sell baby items.  

4. Donate And Give Away

Besides making a sale, there are some other ethical choices. 

After sorting all items, you can look for a local donation center or charity to donate lightly used clothes, shoes, and accessories. As you may not know how significantly those old items mean to those who are in need. 

Otherwise, if an item is special to it no longer fits you, it’s a good option to ask your relatives and friends to see if your goods may serve their needs or present it to someone in your life as a hand-me-down. Even if it is not yours anymore, you will be happy to see it get a second life.

5. Recycle

You may ask, how about things you can’t sell or donate? Try doing some crafts! With the help of numerous online videos on creative crafts which can be effortlessly searched for, you can easily turn useless things into intriguing toys for your kids and your pets or accessories for the outstanding decor of your home.  

What if you have no idea about crafting but environmental problems are your concern and you don’t want stuff to end up in the garbage bin randomly?

If so, take your time to separate the recyclables into categories such as paper, cloth, batteries, and other items. Then, send them to local drop-off sites when possible. 

6. Go For Multi-function Furniture

Smart furniture attached with an extra storage unit has become increasingly popular due to its convenience. More specifically, small built-in storage underneath a bed may be an ideal space to store items that you temporarily don’t use but are sure to need later. 

For example, if your first kid is growing up fast and you are planning to have the next angel, you can save a considerable amount of money by safely storing your first baby’s clothes under your bed. 

Take Environment Into Account

Decluttering has become a common word on search engines as it not only makes your home more spacious but also saves you a vast amount of time and effort to keep your space cleaner and airier. Furthermore, in case you make a shift to a new place, the process will be much less exhausting.

Although decluttering is good, it’s better to carefully consider your needs before buying new things to somehow lessen the burden of waste into our environment and keep your house clutter-free.