A Guide to Different Types of Heaters

With the coldest days of the season slowly getting behind us, it’s the right time to start assessing your current heating system. You can decide whether it did a great job of keeping your indoor space warm or if you need something new. If you fall in the second category, you might be looking for an upgrade to a personal heater that sets the pace and can be enjoyed for a long time.

Heaters are pretty self-explanatory machines, however, there are many different types of heaters. The choices available can be quite confusing for someone with no prior knowledge, which is why we’ve put together this guide. It offers further information on the many heater options and will help you make a well-educated choice that’ll fulfill your intended need.

Electric Fan Heaters

One of the cheapest types of heaters is the electric fan heater, with its lowest price starting from $30. These units come in many sizes and costs and are produced by various manufacturers. As for their mode of operation, they work by circulating cold air over a heated element before allowing it into your space. Due to their simple operation, these heaters usually come in a small and portable form, making them well suited for small spaces like dorm rooms and apartments. They don’t perform too well in huge homes, where much heated air is required for long periods.

There are two major reasons why many people love the electric heater. The first is because these heaters score higher than all others on the efficiency scale in converting heat from electricity. Their efficiency is directly related to the fact that electric heaters have minimal health hazards to users. The second reason people love them is their versatility: The electric heater offers both a heating and cooling function, which means you get to use them all year round.

Radiant Heaters

Up next is the radiant space heater, a unit that is yet to gain as much popularity in the United States as in Asian countries. Instead of heating the air around you, the radiant heater heats objects like the floor of the indoor space, which will be the primary source of all heat. Choosing the floor instead of your ceiling increases the efficiency of this radiant heater, making it the ideal option for spaces that require spot heating, such as storerooms, garages, and warehouses.

Convection Heaters

Also known in many circles as the convector heater, electric-powered units offer heat using the famous convection process. It passes all cold air drawn in via convection currents over a heated element before releasing the air back into the room. This process will heat your entire space and specific areas within the home. This makes convection heaters the most suited for spaces such as your dining and living rooms since they offer longer hours of operation when compared to the electric heater. Another reason why they work well in these spaces is that they operate in utter silence.

Non-Electric Heaters

Electric models are considered the perfect option for indoor heating, with the outdoors working better with the non-electric heating equipment. To enjoy high air quality, you’re encouraged to avoid the use of heaters that need combustible materials such as liquid propane, kerosene, and other natural gasses. Not only do they destroy the air quality, but they’re also harmful to our health because of the carbon monoxide they produce. If you’re thinking of the best heating system for your patio, consider non-electric heaters that use elements such as wood. They’re not only attractive but safer and less expensive, too.

Making the final choice out of all the options will come down to your personal preference and budget. For short-term use, you can tolerate cheaper heaters, but if you’re looking to go the long haul, you should be ready to invest a lot of money into your heater.