Did You Know, You Can Value Your Luxury Bag Online

Ever wondered why designer handbags are worth thousands of dollars? Is there something beyond the brand name and quality that accounts for such hefty prices? Well, we believe there is! It’s the quality of craftsmanship implied in every authentic article that renders it so expensive.

The quality materials, together with sheer meticulousness, allow these bags to serve you for ages. In addition, these luxury designer bags, if used gently, have a good resale value and can actually offer a substantial ROI. The resale market, particularly the online resale of bags, is booming, and it’s time you could cash on that as well if you own an authentic designer beauty.

Wondering how to determine the resale value of your bag online? How to enhance its worth before selling it? This article alleviates your concerns regarding your bag’s price evaluation and resale:

Owning a Designer Bag – How Does It Work as an Investment?

We understand how much you loved and cared for your bag for all these years. But if it is out of style and no longer appeases your fashion choices, you can make something out of this bag by selling it online. Here’s why you should benefit from this whole concept:

Designer Handbags Retain their Quality

Your luxury handbag has an insane price label for a reason. Its composition is sophisticated and is crafted from the most durable materials. This, in turn, allows the article to retain its appearance, hardware, and utility. Chances of visible fraying and wear are slim unless you treated it harshly over the years.

If your authentic handbag is “gently” used, hardware is intact, and wear is minimal, it can promise a significant return on investment. A gently used bag with negligible signs of wear can be valued at 50% of the RRP.

Market Trends are At All-Time High

The used designer bag market is always booming regardless of the fashion trends or new launches. Although the trends of a certain model or brand remain volatile. But ever since the world has returned to normalcy after the pandemic, we’ve witnessed this market more thriving than ever! Now is the ideal time to have your bag valued and list it for sale online.

Allowing Luxury Handbags for Everyone

Selling your pre-loved designer bag isn’t everything about profit, returns, or savings, but this entire event allows you to make authentic designer handbags accessible for everyone. Several budget buyers who relish the luxury of branded bags end up buying low-quality counterfeits. If you opt to sell your bag that no longer accompanies you outdoors, it might work as a “dream come true” for someone.

Virtual Platforms Make Selling Easier

Several online platforms offer a quick, convenient bag selling without any hassles of on-site visits and waiting for the price estimation. Concerns might be raised about their trustworthiness. But many websites now have a profound name in the online selling of authentic bags. We personally recommend SellThatBag, as their process is smooth, efficient, and uniform without any listing, consignment, or profit-loss intricacies.

How to Prepare Your Handbag for Valuation?

Made up your mind to sell used designer bag? Wait! Before you approach an authentic online platform for price evaluation, you might want to prepare your bag to get maximum returns. Let us furnish some essentials that would contribute to a better valuation of the article:

Step 1: Certify Its Authenticity

The handbag you’re aiming to list must be authentic & branded. Sounds obvious? Well, it’s equally important to mention. A replica, imitation, or counterfeit bag doesn’t hold any worth in the market. The established online buyers do not accept fake designer bags in the first place. In fact, they have a team of experts for complete scrutiny of your bag for authenticity before confirming the transaction. So, proceed only when that lovely piece is original.

Step 2: Determine the Brand

Brands with remarkable repute in the handbag market are bound to offer exceptional ROI. These labels primarily involve Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Chanel, and Gucci. Some fashion brands with a wider range of accessories might be less profitable as compared to these premium labels. But as long as the brand you own has a global reputation in fashion & designing, you can anticipate significant profit.

Step 3: Assess the Condition

Now comes the all-important aspect – the condition and age of your bag. Over 50% of the original list price is ensured if your bag is barely used with no signs of wear whatsoever. The profit reduces with the age of your bag and signs of wear. Even with visible signs of fraying or wear, you can still cash 10-20% of RRP.

Step 4: Collect Add-Ons

Necessary add-ons such as removable hardware, detachable pouches, and optional straps must accompany your bag when putting it up for sale. Furthermore, it is prudent to keep the original receipt and box to manifest your trustworthy image. This might make an emotional impact, eventually boosting the estimated price of your bag by the buyer.

Step 5: Take Awesome Photos

Use a high-quality digital or smartphone camera to take clear pictures of your bag in a neutral backdrop. Make sure to highlight every important detail of your bag, mainly involving color, design from outside & inside, hardware, brand label, serial number, and damage. The more transparent and upright you are about revealing the details, the more are the chances to earn the best price estimate.

How to Have Your Luxury Bag Valued?

Once you’ve prepared your bag for selling and have found a reliable buyer (rebag or sellthatbag.com should be ideal), the process from hereon is smooth. Log on to the website and find the form. Fill it out and be utterly descriptive about the brand, model, condition, and age of your bag. Add the recommended pictures in the given blocks and send the quote for price estimation.

Professional websites would respond soon after (usually on the same day of submitting the quote). Once you get the price quote, you’re allowed to discuss the estimated price and seal a perfect deal. Remember, this entire process of price estimation is FREE. If you see someone charging for a mere price quotation, be the wise one and avoid them straight away!