Electric Cars- The New Revolution in Car Industry

A decade ago, whenever someone mentioned electric and hybrid cars, most people used to giggle. These electric and hybrid cars prototypes were showing human brilliance, making way for what is soon to be the future of transport.

Electric cars are not a fad trend; they are the next revolution in the automobile industry. Well, it’s pretty easy to understand why there’s so much hype around these cars. Continue reading to know about the few reasons why people and governments are supporting electric vehicles immensely. if you are searching Toyota hb you need to check us out Elmore toyota in Orange County Ca.

Why Electric Cars have become so popular

The motors in electric cars for sale in san diego are designed to be much more efficient than the Combustion Engines (ICE), found in most petrol and diesel cars. They are 90% more efficient than the ICE motors. This means a better economic incentive since electric vehicles can go up to 6Km/Kwh(Kilometer per Kilowatt-hour of energy) as compared to 2.5km/KwH for ICE motors running on fuel like petrol.

Efficiency is not the only issue with ICE. In physics, there’s a law of thermodynamics, limiting the efficiency of ICE motors to about 40% only.

Another reason why there’s so much craze about electric cars is that they can deliver full torque right from the start, this means you have full power from the moment you press the throttle. Whereas ICE motors are different because they can achieve full torque when they are in a specific range of RPM, that is why you have to change gears when you reach a particular RPM range. For instance, a Tesla Roadster, an electric sports car, can go from 0 to 60mph in under 4 seconds and only 250hp. Whereas an ICE car to reach 0-60 in 4 seconds will require at least an engine with 500hp. These two are pretty big reasons why everyone is going crazy about electric cars. But you might be wondering why you haven’t seen electric cars everywhere yet.

Why Electric cars aren’t still widespread

#1 Not many Charging Stations available

The reason why electric cars can’t be seen everywhere is that there are few areas where they need to improve. Powersource is one of the issues where electric vehicles need to improve. ICE cars use petrol, and petrol can be found easily anywhere as there are so many petrol pumps for refueling. But the electric cars use lithium-ion batteries, and they can’t be charged everywhere.

Companies and countries have been focusing on having as many charging stations for electric cars, but there’s still a long way to go. This issue will also be resolved in some time as companies focus more on building more charging stations, plus you can install a car charging system at home. Many companies make equipment for charging vehicles at home, and they are pretty easy to get.

#2 Energy Density

We don’t see electric cars everywhere because they have an energy density of 0.2Kwh/kg, with some cars also having a density of 0.4Kwh/Kg. That is pretty low as compared to ICE cars, which have an energy density of 13Kwh/Kg. But luckily, automobile giants like Tesla are trying to increase the energy density of their electric vehicles. For instance, the new Tesla roadster recently managed to travel 500km on a single charge, with a 53Kwh battery. The energy density of the new Tesla roadster was 16Kwh/kg. This is pretty great, and it means this issue will soon be resolved.

#3 Charging time

The third problem with electric cars is the charging time. A standard power outlet found in every home can charge an electric vehicle with 53 Kwh of battery in 17 hours, that is too much of time. But, now EV charging companies have started manufacturing high-power connector kits, which can charge an electric car in just 3 hours. Additionally, future models are expected to charge an electric vehicle in only 45 minutes.

Another problem with batteries is that they have a limited charging cycle. But all these reasons will be sorted out in the future as companies like Tesla, IBM, Panasonic, and Bosch are all working on developing future battery technologies.

Advantages of Electric Cars

#1 Convenience

Convenience is one of the most significant advantages when it comes to electric cars. In today’s world, electricity is a universal form of energy. You can quickly charge your vehicle from many outlets, at home, at work, or even at your neighbors’ house. There’s no need to stand in a queue at fuel stations.

#2 Cost-Saving

Another advantage is that the cost of the electricity is 12 cents/Kwh, which means you can fully charge your electric vehicle for just $7. Whereas, filling up your car’s fuel tank would cost you more than $40.

#3 Zero Emission

Electric cars produce zero emissions. They have no exhaust or air intake. Electric vehicles don’t pollute the air; they also reduce noise pollution. Additionally, these cars are so silent that some government authorities are thinking of a solution to warn the visually impaired people who heavily rely on their hearing to move.

These are a few of the advantages of Electric cars.

Wrapping Up

Electric vehicle technology is continuously improving. There’s a buzzing enthusiasm for electric cars not only from the consumers but also from the makers. Most of the car manufacturers now know where the future is; there’s why every company is putting in billions of dollars in developing their electric vehicles. Also, the governments all over the world are supporting many manufacturers, in making more electric cars. Companies like Toyota, General Motors, Nissan and Renault, have already launched prototypes of their electric vehicles, and soon they will start producing them.

According to Analysts, this year will see a 10% growth in electric vehicle sales, and the number will be doubled by 2030. However, other experts are being more optimistic and saying the market share of electric cars could be between 30-40% by 2025. There’s a large possibility that we might only see electric vehicles in the world by 2030; every company is focusing on delivering electric vehicles. Also, now people have been only looking to buy electric cars, mainly because they don’t pollute our ecosystem.