Paper manufacturing is the process of creating paper from wood pulp. Pulp is harvested from trees and processed into fiber, which is then turned into cellulose fibers. The fibers are combined with water and then pressed to make sheets of paper. Paper manufacturing can be done on a large scale or on a small scale in your backyard, depending on what you want to use the pulp for: the bigger the production, generally speaking, the cheaper it will be.
Environment benefits of paper manufacturing in Asia
- Produces useful byproducts
The byproducts from Asia Pulp and Paper are making a big impact on the environment. One of the biggest impacts is that it creates renewable energy from wood fiber, which is one of the most abundant renewable resources in the world.
- Uses water efficiently
The water used in paper manufacturing is recycled wastewater and treated wastewater. Furthermore, it uses a very little amount of water to produce paper with the lowest amount of energy consumption than any other kind of agricultural industry.
- Efficient use of land
Paper manufacturing in Asia uses less land as compared to agricultural industries like wheat farming, rice farming, cotton growing, and so on. It grows one crop at a time and utilizes all the productive potential of the land over a long period.
- Low use of pesticides
Pesticides are used in the production of paper and other agricultural products to control insect pests. For example, growers use insecticides to control mosquitoes, caterpillars, and hornworms, and woodlice are treated with fungicides.
- Reduced environmental pollution
The easiest way to reduce environmental pollution is the careful recycling of wastewater. Paper mills in Asia eliminate their wastewater through the use of advanced wastewater technology and reuse water for the production process. The water from a milling process can be recycled over and over again, reducing landfill charges and keeping pollutants out of our waters.
- Energy conservation
The energy conservation from paper manufacturing is caused by less land being used than in traditional agricultural industry and utilizing every productive acre of land for as long as possible with only one crop. Conservation is easy when water use drops by 85% and only 1/3 of the land used to grow wheat or sugarcane is needed to produce pulpwood. It also reduces pesticide use by eliminating other insects on a mill site, reducing the need for insecticides because pests don’t live near pulp mills.
- Reduces environmental pollution
Mill operations in Asia reduce air and water pollution by reducing the amount of chemical fertilizer used. As a result, the mill requires less energy to run and reduces fuel use by 75%. Waste heat is captured to maintain the heat in the process, reducing the need for refrigeration. Furthermore, the mill keeps pollutants out of waterways when they dry all their wastewater instead of dumping it into rivers or sewers.
Research shows that paper manufacturing in Asia is a very clean manner of producing pulp. It uses less water, pesticides, and energy consumption than traditional agribusinesses, which provides the environment with more benefits in the long run.