If you’ve read any of the recent articles about the importance of outdoor signage, you’ll know that it may be one of the most important aspects of a business. Whether it’s for product promotion, branding, or just drawing attention to your storefronts, there are some key ingredients to making sure your signage is successful – and not just in terms of attracting customers.
Make sure your lettering, layout, and graphics are clear.
Visual clutter is one of the biggest reasons for people to ignore your outdoor signage in Singapore. If you’re not sending powerful and clear messages, your customers will be easy pickings for others trying to grab their attention.
Think beyond the sign: include all the essential information!
A thin sign may carry just enough information to get by, but an overly complicated sign that is difficult to read could also be an issue in your customer’s mind. Try finding ways not only to showcase your brand but also to provide a comprehensive listing of relevant information, including contact details, payment method(s), operating hours, opening hours, and address information.
Beware of ‘me too’ services
You might have a spot in your customer’s mind for a particular brand, but that doesn’t mean they’re not open to another solution if it saves them money or gets the job done better – is your customer really going to be more aware of the logo on your sign than they will of you? If not, shouldn’t you just focus on delivering the best service to them? Me too. Business should be avoided because if you are seen as a cheaper and less-competent alternative, your brand credibility could suffer.
Ensure design is appropriate for outdoor use
Outdoor signage needs to be durable and weatherproof. They should also be able to withstand wind and heavy rain. Your signs need to withstand the elements, but will they stand the test of time? People may quickly grow tired of a design that looks run-down or shabby after just a few seasons.
Monitor your sign so your customers will notice you!
All businesses have a location where they are easily noticed – and you know where yours is! Did you do anything to make it easier for people to see you? Did you update, repair, or replace it? Did someone else take over your location? If not, investigate what everyone else has done with their sign, and ask yourself if that’s the message you want to send out. If it is, work with your designer and business advisor to come up with a solution that showcases your brand and addresses all of the above points.
You have to make sure your prompt and clear message reaches your customers. Make sure they can’t miss out on it.
In conclusion, outdoor signs are just as crucial for small businesses as it is for larger ones. As a company, it’s your duty to keep up with the latest developments in your industry and ensure you’re delivering high-quality products and services. Don’t fall behind – take advantage of all the latest technology has to offer you.