How To Achieve A Home Office Makeover

If your home office is feeling stagnant, getting cluttered, or just feels outdated, it’s time to consider a home office makeover. A home office makeover can be a daunting task, but the results definitely outweigh the work and expense. Home office makeovers have several benefits.

A makeover can greatly improve your work experience and productivity

  • Improve the efficiency of your workspace
  • Alleviate occupational health hazards that come from poorly designed equipment
  • New designs and a fresh feel can potentially improve creativity
  • Improved lighting and updated work equipment 
  • Updated aesthetics

There are many other improvements and enhancements in addition to the ones mentioned here. It all depends on what you want and need.

Step One: Assess Your Needs

Whatever you do, make sure it’s going to fulfill your expectations and your needs. Chances are, you’re updating your workspace because you feel like there’s something that’s not quite right about it. This could be due to many reasons. It’s important to take the time to identify as many issues as you can before you start thinking about the changes you’re going to make in your home workspace. 

Maybe your equipment isn’t ergonomic and you need to reassess your desk, chair, and mouse. Perhaps your home office has a bad flow and is prone to clutter. If that’s the case, you need to consider organizational enhancements and storage options. You might need to buy special equipment for electronics and electrical wiring if you’re going to install new lighting or a sound system. You’ll also need basic equipment so you can assemble that IKEA desk you just bought. 

Or maybe you just don’t like the feel of your current space. Maybe it’s outdated, or just plain old and tired. If that’s the case, you should look at changing the paint, desk, and any cabinets or auxiliary furnishings that you use in your home office space. Sometimes the feng shui is just off.

It could be that all of these things are contributing to your need for a remodel. If that’s the case, be prepared to update or replace the entire workspace. 

Now it’s time to consider which kind of office theme you’re going to go for. You can also get some ideas from online sources. 

Step Two: Review And Make Decisions

Now that you’ve determined exactly what it is that you do and don’t like about the office, it’s time to review, consider, and decide what’s going to stay and what’s gotta go. 

Make a list of the essential changes you want to make:

  • What’s got to go?
  • What’s got to stay?
  • What are your power needs like?
  • Are you paperless? Do you need a lot of storage for documents?
  • What are your storage needs in general?
  • What style do you want for your new office?

Once you’ve reviewed what’s essential, it’s time to seriously consider the theme and style of your newly updated workspace. There are many to choose from and it’s up to you based on your space and the feel you’re going for. Make sure to consider the size and color scheme you choose to get the most from your space. For example, you don’t want to choose dark colors if your space is relatively cramped.

Here are a few office theme ideas to get you started:

  • A dark wood classic den theme (just don’t go hanging lion mounts on the wall unless you’re willing to invest in some cigars and rifles)
  • Minimalism is good for a paperless office with limited space. This can make it feel really open and will improve workflow
  • Modern contemporary is always a good choice and is the most common office theme
  • Art deco if you want to add a splash of color for creatives
  • Comfy and homey spaces are the office trend of silicon valley. Making a comfortable environment is conducive to productivity and reduces occupational hazards

Look at some examples before you decide and see what appeals to your sensibilities.

Step Three: Make A Plan And Implement It

Careful considerations of your needs and your style preference have prepared you for a smooth implementation of your ideas. Now it’s time to make a plan and see it through. A logical plan will ensure that you don’t waste any time, energy, or money. 

The basic plan should include the following:

  • Pick a date that won’t interfere with our office needs
  • Set up a temporary office elsewhere if you can’t take a break from work
  • Remove all the things that gotta go to make space and a more convenient working space
  • Remove everything from the room if you’re going to remodel the room itself. Such as painting or changing the carpet
  • Install any new electrical devices
  • After room improvements, hang up any pictures or wall decor that you will use 
  • Bring in any new furnishings and install them in their positions. Unpack them in the room to avoid unsightly dings or marks from bumping into walls and doors.
  • Implement your organizational scheme before you bring in the equipment.
  • Bring in and install the essential equipment and get to work


Careful consideration and planning make a remodel easy and convenient. Just take the time to consider everything carefully and then follow your plan one step at a time. You’ll be happy you thoroughly planned your makeover when it finally comes together and you can see the fruits of your labor.