How to Effortlessly Get Your Belongings Moved to Your New Home

While moving to a new home has a thrilling feeling, the process of moving your belongings from one home to another is exhausting and stressful. The endless decisions you have to take for each item in the house, the categorization of every box, and the packing supplies you need are just a few situations you will face during packing. However, there are some tips and tricks you can follow to ensure your moving process is considerably easier and effortless.

Create a To-Do List

There are hundreds of tasks ahead of us while packing and we must keep track of each one of them, whether it be changing your address, calling your insurance provider, contacting moving companies, or things to pack. You should make a to-do list before starting packing with all the chaos that comes with it. You can pin a to-do list on your wall or use a whiteboard if you already have one to write all the tasks you need to while moving. Write all the tasks you need to do even if it’s just to say goodbye to your neighbors, and add new tasks every time you remember one that you have forgotten before. The to-do list helps you stay organized and gives you a sense of achievement each time you check tasks off the list.

Declutter Your Home

Decluttering your home makes you pack less than you need to, which makes packing easier. It may feel overwhelming to declutter your home in one sitting, so it’s better to do it room by room and over several days. Sort the items in each room into three categories: Keep, donate, and trash. Some decisions will be tough to make; this shirt that you haven’t worn since the prom has sentimental value, you have to either keep it or donate it. The harsher you are, the fewer items you have to pack. Arrange a yard sale or moving sale to sell as much as you can and donate what’s left for charity or thrift stores.

Pack Early

Starting the packing process early will not only make you less stressed, but it will also give you time to organize better. You will be able to plan for the checklist, set up a plan for each room, have a rough estimate of the packing supplies you need, and have enough time to rest.

Research Moving Companies

In order to pick the right moving company for your belongings, you need first to check the reviews on the moving companies around you. Your experience can be like a breeze or be a nightmare depending on the moving company, so it’s essential to make the right choice. The first thing to look for is their star rating, and you shouldn’t bother with any companies less than this rating. Ensure the company is licensed with the state, as professional movers at warn that many moving “companies” claim they are licensed while they are not. Read the services provided by the company, refund and damage policies, payment options, and their availability on the day you want. Unpleasant surprises might occur if you missed critical information on the company’s website.

Pack Least Used Rooms First

Packing your TV before moving out will leave you staring at the wall when you are resting. Start with the least used rooms and only leave behind any items you will use before moving out. The spare bedroom, garage, basement, and attic are the first rooms to pack. Aside from getting your packing priorities right, you get a sense of achievement when you finish packing a room that will motivate you to keep packing.

Smart Box Labels

Labeling boxes is easy as you only have to write where that box goes, right? Wrong, while moving boxes, you need to flip boxes all around to read where that particular box goes. Instead, color code your boxes to identify them easily; red means bedroom, blue means living room, and so on. Informing the movers with your color code won’t make them come to you to know where to put that box. In addition, you can write categories on the side of the boxes to know what this box contains for that room. Finally, you can create a box of essentials that you will use right after moving to avoid searching through the boxes to find your coffee machine. Label this “Essentials” or whatever naming you choose and put it in the moving truck last.

Protect Fragile Items

It may sound obvious to use extra protection for fragile items while packing. However, it is a common mistake that many people put dishes horizontally with no layers between them. To protect your fragile items, use packing paper, bubble wrap, or quilted blankets to ensure that nothing will happen to your items while in the truck. They are suitable for dishware, glasses, decorations, vases, and bowls. Instead of packing your dishes and bowls horizontally, pack them vertically while filling the spaces between them with packing paper.

Creative Packing

The number of boxes you need for packing can get a bit less if you make use of each box efficiently. After packing your bulky items, you will find spaces left in the box that can hold smaller items. Fill these spaces with smaller items that will act like extra cushioning and save space in other boxes. Use blankets, socks, and similar clothes as a protective layer for your fragile items. Using cling wrap will prevent your shampoo, lotion, and other liquids from spilling and ruining the rest of the box. Finally, use small boxes for heavy items to avoid having a bulky big box that no one can lift; that will prevent the box from getting torn by the weight and get the box carried easily.

It’s imperative to prepare for your packing in advance to avoid stress and any unpleasant surprises. Many items we don’t really need anymore and it’s time to donate, sell, or throw them away which will reduce the number of boxes you need. Picking a good moving company will make the moving part much easier, so take your time researching. With creative packing, you will find that moving your belongings to another home isn’t stressful as you may have thought. Unpack easily with your smart labeling system and enjoy your new home.