Jazz Up the Bedroom with These Stylish DIY Headboard Ideas

Your bedroom is your sanctuary, it has to look the way you want it to.
The average person spends about 26 years of their life in bed or in their bedroom.

That’s a lot of time to spend in a place that’s not doing it for you aesthetically.

You might have the paint color right, the mattress right, the artwork right, but do you have the headboard you want?

Today, we’re going to give you some DIY headboard ideas that’ll give your bedroom that special touch you’ve been looking for. If you need some inspiration, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get started.

DIY Headboard Ideas to Spruce Up Your Bedroom Situation

Having a cool, custom headboard in your room might not be the first thing you think of, but they serve a larger purpose than looking good.

Jordan Larson from www.custombedbug.com says that while bed bugs are commonly found in mattress seams and headboard cracks, they will also settle in curtains, drawers, and outlets close to where you sleep. These headboard ideas will defy convention and protect your room to boot.

Wooden Pallet Headboard

Wooden Pallet Headboard
Let’s start with a really cheap but cool option. Go get a sturdy pallet from a hardware store or factory, take it home, clean it, and stain it. Pop it behind your bed and you’ll have a cool, rustic-looking headboard.

Old Door Headboard

If you like the antique vibe, you could repurpose an old door, paint it a color that complements your room, and use it as a headboard. It’ll give your room a cool, artsy look and you can brag to your friends about your sustainable lifestyle as well.

Mirror Headboard

Mirror Headboard
Kill two birds with one stone and use a large, three-paneled mirror as your headboard. This is becoming a common type of headboard, but we love how it looks behind the bed and how it bounces light around the room in the morning.

Yarn Headboard

Do you love knitting? You could buy a large loom and weave a custom yarn art piece to hang behind your bed as your new headboard. It’s beautiful and inexpensive if you’re the artist creating it.

Stacks of Books

Being a keen reader serves many purposes, but you probably hadn’t considered using your old books as a headboard, had you?

Find a small shelf that’s roughly the width of your bed, then just start stacking your old books as high as you want behind your bed. Don’t go too high, though, you don’t want a midnight surprise when a pile of books falls upon you.
Stacks of Books
You could also forego the shelf and glue the books you know you’ll never read again together to form a sturdy pile. If you’re a book-lover, this might sound sacrilegious, but on the bright side, you’ll never wake up to books falling on your head.

Tie the Room Together

We hope these great DIY headboard ideas have provided you with some inspiration to make your own. All it takes is a little bit of imagination and you can have the headboard of your dreams… or at least the one that you dream near.

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