Mistakes to Avoid While Installing Modular Kitchen

The modular kitchen is the most vital room in your home. Working in the typical kitchen sometimes makes you bored. As technology is booming, everyone is moving towards the modular kitchen. The modular kitchen adds extra beauty and value to your home. The modular kitchen covers every nook and corner of the kitchen and is easy to access. However, installing a modular kitchen is expensive, and it should be planned skillfully for maximum functionality and efficiency. Let us see mistakes to avoid while installing a modular kitchen:

Not planning according to requirements

Suppose the kitchen is designed as per the working style and not only the recommendations of the designer or the kitchen brand. When you plan to install a modular kitchen, make a pre-plan about the position of the stove, sink, fridge and so on. These arrangements provide good comfort to you and ensure the workflow within the cooking space. It is vital to fix the chimney according to the position of the stove. It would help if you listed electrical appliances that you would like to install in your kitchen and planned the power outlets accordingly. It’s better to use a Solid Timber Kitchen Benchtops to get the perfect outlook of your kitchen.

Choosing the wrong modular accessories

It is better to choose a Solid Timber Kitchen Benchtops as that will provide long-lasting life. Most people can’t bend down to take things under the rack cupboard. So that time you need to choose the right accessories.

Choosing the wrong materials

If you opt to customize your kitchen, it’s better to have solid and durable materials for the construction. Granite, marble and quartz are the most common materials which provide long-lasting duration and are easy to maintain. Choosing the wrong materials will spoil the building’s strength. Within years it will rot your materials and collapse the kitchen’s appearance. 

Most people use a solid surface that looks excellent but is prone, and scratches may happen and need periodic maintenance. The inner layer of the sink should be lined with a layer of  I-millimeter-thick aluminium to create a waterproof membrane. All the hardware and modular kitchen accessories should be in stainless steel, avoiding rust formation.

Limited storage

A modular kitchen’s main aim is to store various requirements. If you have a small kitchen, then you choose full-height cabinets. When it comes to differently sized drawers for deep and shallow storage, you can store the plate and cutlery items. Arrange the kitchen ingredients according to your use. Always keep a separate rack for electrical appliances like a toaster, juicer and blender.  

Poor lighting

The top cabinets always have a shadow effect, so you should fix some lights. Make a pre-plan about a layered lighting arrangement with ceiling light and task lighting. When it comes to ceiling lights, the cupboard light should match the ceiling lights. If you choose the mix-match colour, that will spoil the overall look of your kitchen. It is better to fix the light that can be turned on automatically when the door opens. 

Final thoughts 

Suppose you are still working on a typical kitchen. It is the best time to move towards the modular kitchen. It’s better to get the professionals’ opinion on installing the modular kitchen. The above-listed words are the mistakes to avoid while installing a modular kitchen.