What to Look for before Hiring Someone to Help with Your Custom Exterior Shade in Austin, TX!

When choosing the best custom exterior shades in Austin, TX, you need to take a few factors into account before choosing, such as the amount of light let into your home, manual vs. motorized options, the quality of the shades, and the style of your house. 

How to find the best exterior shade 

If you are trying to find the best custom exterior shade for your house in Austin, TX, consider browsing https://treatyoakshade.com/ to find the perfect customized products that are ideal for your new house! To make sure you have one that is suitable for outdoor use, having people over for hot summer days, and enjoying a nice night outside, you need to make sure you find a custom exterior shade that matches the esthetic and style of your home. 

Decide on the amount of light

One of the most important factors when choosing the best custom exterior shade is to determine the amount of light that you want to be let into your house. For non-sunny climates, you may find the amount of shade needed is much less than you would find in sunnier climates, like houses in Arizona, Florida, or California. Determine how much protection and shade you want, with some people changing the amount of shade based on the room. For example, people might like to let a little more light into their kitchen, while they enjoy having darker shades in the bedrooms.

Manual vs. motorized exterior shades

The second aspect to take into account when determining the custom exterior shades to choose is whether you want a manual or motorized version of the shades. Do you want to manually open and close the shades to get to the perfect level, or do you want a motorized version for big windows that make it easier? Motorized options can either be with a remote switch on the wall or with a remote control that you keep in the room.

Your home decor

The third aspect that can influence the customized exterior shades that you choose for your home includes the decor choices of your outdoor space, your home aesthetic, and the style of the inside of your house. You want to make sure the shades match the color and style of your house. For example, if the exterior of your house is wood, a dark black shade or charcoal gray may not look the best with the wood backdrop. Instead, choose something that is warm and goes well with the exterior material of your house.


The final aspect to take into account when choosing exterior shades is the quality you want of the shades. Do you want the shades to be cost-effective or do you want them to be long-lasting without any maintenance required?


While you are choosing the idyllic custom exterior shades for your house, you need to make sure your choice matches the style of your home, the price range, whether they are manual or motorized, and the amount of light that you want to let into your home.